1. you cannot copy from the examples in the documentation (or better you may but only with a "copy plain text" function).
2. The examples are somehow output incorrect (loggede instead of logged_in) - so one has to look into sc_if_conds_in.inc.php to find out what the real function is called
-- Overall not userfriendly at all if no unformatted and correct examples for the code exist (and tell user to use source or html view). If this is not possible in the s2member options page, then drop the examples completly or put a warning to not copy them.
P.S. if simply copying over (also copying over to source code view will break things as missing operands like </p> may crash a novice user).
This is what happens when you simply copy in the expample code (of course this won't work):
<p><br />
<code><span style="color: #000000"><span style="color:#164A61;">[s2If is_user_loggede()]</span><br />
Content for anyone that is logged in, regardless of their Membership Level.<br />
<span style="color:#164A61;">[/s2If]</span></span></code></p>
P.S.S.S ****, I think Firefox or this forum software does not allow showing logged _ in in one word. It is ouput as loggede. I entered logged _ in (without spaces) and after submitting it, it shows as loggede instead. Therefore I also could not see any difference in the above example.Statistics: Posted by openmtbmap — June 28th, 2011, 4:14 am