Thanks for your inquiry.
So Product A and Product B are a combination purchase?
Product A - $27 signup fee ( one-time ).
Automatically renews Product B at $37/mo unless cancelled.
If Product B is cancelled, Product A remains theirs, but they lose access to Product B.
The "s2Member way" of handling this, is to have the Customer signup at Level #1, with a 30 day trial period that costs $27. This would automatically renew at $37/mo after the first 30 days. If the Customer cancels, they will be demoted by s2Member back down to Level #0, and whatever you are calling "Product A" should remain available to them at Level #0. All content protected at Level #1 would be forsaken if they don't remain a Member ( i.e. they lose Product B at Level #1 if they cancel or expire in the future ).Statistics: Posted by Jason Caldwell — July 20th, 2011, 2:10 pm