Here is the use case:
I have registered a user representing a school class which is considered to pay for my services. I have created custom fields representing information about the class (So far, this function is supported by s2Member which handles the class as a user and member).
It is obvious that there are also students in the class who are registered as wp users too. I'm intended to make it possible for the students to have access to the services through the class membership, when the parent account (the class) is an eligible member and has paid for the class membership. It is considered that the students Inherit same access rights as the parent (the class).
It is not pactical for this kind of services to let each student pay small fee for individual usage and therefore it should be handled in a group. It is therefore essential to implement such group membership if there is any possibility.
However, As far as I've undestood the features, s2Member prevents access if several users trying to use the same account. The question is if I can configure a group membership in s2Member through assigning several users to another member (class) or a group, for instans, through a feature or in combination with plugins such as Role Scoper or BuddyPress?
I hope that I make myself undestood this time Statistics: Posted by ZebEl — July 20th, 2011, 9:45 am