Statistics: Posted by Jason Caldwell — September 12th, 2011, 5:45 pm
Statistics: Posted by Cristián Lávaque — September 10th, 2011, 1:57 am
Date: 2011-09-07 7:05pm
Name: Ken Santucci
E-mail: ken (at) digitalprofusion (dot) com
Warrior Username: Harbourmaster
s2Member is an excellent WordPress membership plugin, but it doesn't work with WSOPro. I believe the easiest way is through s2Member's IPN with Proxy key option, but WSOPro doesn't seem to be sending the proper information.
I believe it has something to do with this:
"Any 3rd-party application that is sending IPN transactions to your s2Member installation, must ALWAYS include the custom POST variable, and that variable must always start with your installation domain ( i.e. ). In addition, the item_number variable, must always match a format that s2Member looks for. Generally speaking, the item_number should be 1, 2, 3, or 4, indicating a specific s2Member Level #. However, s2Member also uses some advanced formats in this field. Just to be sure, we suggest creating a PayPal® Button with the s2Member Button Generator, and then taking a look at the Full Button Code to see how s2Member expects item_number to be formatted. Other than the aforementioned exceptions; all other POST variables should follow PayPal® standards. Please see: PayPal's IPN/PDT reference guide for full documentation."
Perhaps their could be some sort of "compatibility option" check-box in WSOPro for working with s2Member?
Date: 2011-09-08 12:09pm
Name: Mike Lantz
Unfortunately, we use the "custom" variable for our own use, which would be incompatible with the needs of s2member. The "item_number" is the same.
The way to handle this would be creating an intermediate script that receives the IPN data from WSO Pro, manipulates it, and then sends it to s2member in the format it requires. This would be something that needs to be done on your server, and we do not currently offer support for 3rd party scripts.
Mike Lantz
Date: 2011-09-09 12:14am
Name: Ken Santucci
Thank you for your reply.
Perhaps you can detail how WSO Pro sends it's IPN data so that I can request it to be implemented into s2Member, since the specifics don't seem to be anywhere on this site.
Date: 2011-09-09 1:11am
Name: Mike Lantz
There is really not much to tell. There is a knowledgebase article about it.
WSO Pro simply forwards the exact IPN data that it receives from paypal to the URL you enter into the "IPN Forwarding URL" field. It is sent via POST just like Paypal sends it, and it can be verified directly with Paypal if so desired.
Mike Lantz
Statistics: Posted by TeamSan2c — September 9th, 2011, 4:54 pm