I'm new to s2Member and pretty inept at coding so forgive me if I've missed something out obvious but i just can't get the Force SSL shortcode to work on my Signup page. I have s2MemberPro 110731, the theme is Thesis 1.8. I've entered the code directly on the page:
[s2member_force_ssl = yes]
But it just ends up showing as text on the page i.e. the code isn't working! Am I entering the code wrongly?
This is a great plugin but I just can't get this little bit to work so far... Interestingly, I managed to successfully complete a signup paying via Visa without the SSL code working i.e. only normal http unsecured.
Thanks in advance.
bodhedStatistics: Posted by bodhed — September 11th, 2011, 5:16 pm