Community Support Forums — WordPress® ( Users Helping Users ) — 2011-09-16T02:39:53-05:00 2011-09-16T02:39:53-05:00 <![CDATA[Re: Force SSL shortcode: s2member_force_ssl = yes]]> s2member_force_ssl = yes is used as a custom field for the post/page. There should be a Custom Fields panel below the editor, if there isn't, go to the Screen Options tab in the top-right and enable it. There you add the field s2member_force_ssl and give it the value yes.

I hope that helps. :)

Statistics: Posted by Cristián Lávaque — September 16th, 2011, 2:39 am

2011-09-13T01:03:40-05:00 <![CDATA[Re: Force SSL shortcode: s2member_force_ssl = yes]]>

Statistics: Posted by Eduan — September 13th, 2011, 1:03 am

2011-09-12T11:35:03-05:00 <![CDATA[Re: Force SSL shortcode: s2member_force_ssl = yes]]> Statistics: Posted by bodhed — September 12th, 2011, 11:35 am

2011-09-12T08:26:07-05:00 <![CDATA[Re: Force SSL shortcode: s2member_force_ssl = yes]]> Glad you found the answer...
I told you about the putting the code here because I might be able to solve the code for you, but seeing how you already made it...

Statistics: Posted by Eduan — September 12th, 2011, 8:26 am

2011-09-11T20:48:18-05:00 <![CDATA[Re: Force SSL shortcode: s2member_force_ssl = yes]]> Statistics: Posted by bodhed — September 11th, 2011, 8:48 pm

2011-09-11T20:37:01-05:00 <![CDATA[Re: Force SSL shortcode: s2member_force_ssl = yes]]>
by posting code do you mean posting the Page Source code, i.e. going to View Page Source when I'm on the page? Sorry, I'm not the most of experienced coders! If you mean what did I put on the page, all I've put in is:

[s2member_force_ssl = yes]

I've even tried just the shortcode on an empty page... Not sure why it's not playing ball. The shortcode goes straight into text when I click over from HTML to Visual editor in Wordpress so I guess it's just not recognising the code.

However, I worked out an inelegant solution creating a new page and using a 301 redirect to:

Seems to work ok but is a bit clumsy.



Statistics: Posted by bodhed — September 11th, 2011, 8:37 pm

2011-09-11T18:10:16-05:00 <![CDATA[Re: Force SSL shortcode: s2member_force_ssl = yes]]> Statistics: Posted by Eduan — September 11th, 2011, 6:10 pm

2011-09-11T17:16:32-05:00 <![CDATA[Force SSL shortcode: s2member_force_ssl = yes]]>
I'm new to s2Member and pretty inept at coding so forgive me if I've missed something out obvious but i just can't get the Force SSL shortcode to work on my Signup page. I have s2MemberPro 110731, the theme is Thesis 1.8. I've entered the code directly on the page:

[s2member_force_ssl = yes]

But it just ends up showing as text on the page i.e. the code isn't working! Am I entering the code wrongly?

This is a great plugin but I just can't get this little bit to work so far... Interestingly, I managed to successfully complete a signup paying via Visa without the SSL code working i.e. only normal http unsecured.

Thanks in advance.


Statistics: Posted by bodhed — September 11th, 2011, 5:16 pm
