Community Support Forums — WordPress® ( Users Helping Users ) — 2011-10-08T16:02:29-05:00 2011-10-08T16:02:29-05:00 <![CDATA[Re: Some issue with PayPal Pro forms]]>

You can disable the coupon files with the accept_coupons attribute. WP Admin -> s2Member -> PayPal Pro-Forms -> Shortcode Attributes -> accept_coupons

If a user is logged in, the profile fields would still be there, but populated with his profile's data.

The strength indicator missing and the lack of icons, may indicate a JavaScript conflict with something else you have installed. Please watch this video: ... ing-video/

The card start date is a field needed by some gateways in the UK, if I remember correctly, and they may also be showing incorrectly because of the JavaScript problem.

Jason Caldwell wrote:
The Card Start Date ( or Issue Number ) is only required for Maestro/Solo cards, and under normal circumstances, this field is hidden dynamically. It's only visible when needed by your Payment Gateway.

In your case though, it appears that s2Member's JavaScript and CSS libraries that deal with overall layout and functionality of Pro Form integrations is not loading properly on your site. I would start by taking a look at your site in Firefox; go up to the Tools -> Error Console -> Errors panel and see if you have another plugin introducing errors.

If you're unable to pin this down, please post a link to your page; we'll have a look for you.

I hope this helps. :)

Statistics: Posted by Cristián Lávaque — October 8th, 2011, 4:02 pm

2011-10-07T13:32:49-05:00 <![CDATA[Some issue with PayPal Pro forms]]> I just purchased the pro-version 111003 and I have some issue with the PayPal Pro forms:

* How can I turn off the coupon code fields?
* If a user is logged in, the form still have the registration fields empty for the user to fill in? (Create Profile)
* There is no password strength indicator?
* There is no icons shown for the Billing Method, only radio buttons?
* What is the "Card Start Date"? (I dont think we have that here in Norway?)


Statistics: Posted by sijo55 — October 7th, 2011, 1:32 pm
