ngentile wrote:
I have used the long code up above in the footer and as a post using the html editor and neither even provide a valid image. I also created a post using the short code s2member generated and I got nothing showing. The only place the badge is currently showing is the general options in the s2 setup. It still shows my site and name in the badge and that it is not verified. What can we do next?
If you know a little PHP, you might find it helpful to look at the PHP routine that s2Member uses to report your Badge Status. As seen here: viewtopic.php?f=40&t=13060&src_doc_v=111017#src_doc_line_40
For others, here is a complete list of things that s2Member looks for:
1. Is your Badge Status API enabled?
See: s2Member -> General Options -> Security Badge -> Badge Status API
2. Does your /wp-config.php file have all of these configuration values?
See: ... urity_Keys
( each of these MUST be at least 60 chars, and must NOT contain: "unique phrase" )
3. Have you created a Security Encryption Key for your s2Member installation?
See: s2Member -> General Options -> Security Encryption Key
( this MUST be at least 60 chars as well )
4. Does your /wp-config.php file have both of these configuration values?
DB_USER and DB_PASSWORD. These must be filled in, and must NOT be the same value.
See: ... abase_Name
5. Have you configured your Unique IP Restriction Options yet?
See: s2Member -> Restriction Options -> Unique IP Restrictions
( this must NOT be set to: infinite )
6. Have you configured your Brute Force IP Restrictions yet?
See: s2Member -> Restriction Options -> Brute Force IP Restrictions
( this must NOT be set to: infinite )
SNAG-0050.pngStatistics: Posted by Jason Caldwell — October 21st, 2011, 6:38 pm