Statistics: Posted by Jason Caldwell — January 16th, 2012, 9:46 pm¬¤cy_code=AUD&page_style=paypal&charset=utf-8&item_name=IHS+Senior+Member&item_number=2&invoice=4f14d9782a5dd%7E<?php echo $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; ?>&on0=Originating+Domain&<?php echo $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; ?>&modify=0&src=1&sra=1&a1=129.00&p1=<?php echo $days_until_fixed_time; ?>&t1=D&a3=149.00&p3=1&t3=Y¬¤cy_code=AUD&page_style=paypal&charset=utf-8&item_name=IHS+Senior+Member&item_number=2&invoice=4f14d9782a5dd%7E<MyIPAddress>&on0=Originating+Domain&<MyIPAddress>&modify=0&src=1&sra=1&a1=129.00&p1=348&t1=D&a3=149.00&p3=1&t3=Y
Statistics: Posted by stormcloud — January 16th, 2012, 9:34 pm
Statistics: Posted by Jason Caldwell — October 31st, 2011, 10:45 am
Statistics: Posted by thevv — October 30th, 2011, 8:25 pm
$now = strtotime("now");
$fixed_time = strtotime("31 December 2011");
$days_until_fixed_time = round(($fixed_time - $now) / ($seconds_in_one_day = 86400));
[s2Member-PayPal-Button ... level="1" ta="0.00" tp="<?php echo $days_until_fixed_time; ?>" tt="D" ra="24.95" rp="1" rt="Y" ... /]
Statistics: Posted by Jason Caldwell — October 25th, 2011, 5:10 pm
Statistics: Posted by thevv — October 23rd, 2011, 8:16 pm
Statistics: Posted by Jason Caldwell — October 23rd, 2011, 7:52 pm
As far as membership levels go, I had originally thought I could give both Level #0 and Level #1 (paid) access to 'all' under pages categories, posts, and tags; then on January 1 restrict Level #0 to specific pages and posts. Will this work? Is there a better/easier way to do this?
Yes, you are correct in both cases.
And what happens when a Level #0 customer accesses the site on January 1? (Will they be redirected to the Membership Options Page for the restricted content, even though they are already registered? Ad s2Member will automatically update their membership level in their existing user account after their completed PayPal transaction? I *think* so, please confirm?)
Well, it sounds like you're leaning toward offering folks a completely free registration option, where they don't go through PayPal at all. If that's what you decide to do, then you'll simply enable Open Registration with s2Member, and allow folks to signup at Level #0 ( e.g. they become a Free Subscriber at Level #0 ).
I'm helping a client (and friend) morph her weekly newspaper into an electronic only edition. Her plan is to roll out the electronic version in November, and require registration, offering free access to content until the end of 2011. Then, require everyone to pay for an annual, calendar year subscription. (We've already talked about how a user can register on March 10th, and get access until March 9 of next year, and this is okay.) It would be nice, though, to collect some cash prior to the end of this year for 2012.However, if I set up a Level #1 PayPal button now, everyone who wants to pay now won't have a calendar year 2012 subscription period. I gather we can edit their EOT date manually, which won't be a problem as most people are accustomed to sending in a check for their 'paper' subscription (we will create these users manually), and I don't expect a huge number of PayPal transactions. Is this a viable solution? Or will PayPal not 'know' their real EOT date is 12/31/12? Or is this also handled nicely by s2Member, because it won't go to PayPal to charge their renewal until 12/31/12?
$now = strtotime("now");
$fixed_time = strtotime("31 December 2011");
$days_until_fixed_time = round(($fixed_time - $now) / ($seconds_in_one_day = 86400));
[s2Member-PayPal-Button ... level="1" ta="0.00" tp="<?php echo $days_until_fixed_time; ?>" tt="D" ra="24.95" rp="1" rt="Y" ... /]
Statistics: Posted by Jason Caldwell — October 23rd, 2011, 12:38 pm
Statistics: Posted by thevv — October 22nd, 2011, 9:34 pm