s2Member's Unique IP Restrictions are used as the basis for determining how many unique IPs are actually allowed to view any single point of entry. So when we talk about things being tied to a particular IP Address, what we really mean is that it's tied to the Unique IP Restrictions configured by the site owner. In other words, in the case of Specific Post/Page Access, a link is only valid for a specific number of IP addresses accessing that one point of entry.
So let me break this down so you can see how s2Member works internally:
- Customer pays for Post ID# 121.
- s2Member generates a Specific Post/Page Access Link for them, taking them to Post ID #121; and also emails this link.
- The first time a Customer hits this link, s2Member records 1 unique IP address that has gained access through that specific link.
- The next time a Customer hits this link, if their IP is different, s2Member will record 2 unique IP addresses having gained access through that specific link.
If enough unique IPs gain access through this one single entry point they were given access to ( i.e. they've shared their link! ), then s2Member's security protection kicks in and locks everyone out of this link. This behavior can be configured under s2Member -> General Options -> Unique IP Restrictions.
So this prevents a customer from spreading their link, or blogging it, and then everyone getting in. However, it still leaves room for a customer to have multiple IPs they access the system from (possibly from a laptop at work, and then a home computer on a different IP, or possibly a customer on a network with dynamic IP assignment).
The site owner can also gain control over this by re-configuring the default settings that s2Member uses for Unique IP Restrictions. In rare cases, s2Member's Unique IP Restrictions can also be disabled completely, by choosing "unlimited" from the drop-down menu in that configuration panel.Statistics: Posted by Cristián Lávaque — March 23rd, 2011, 5:58 pm