Statistics: Posted by Jason Caldwell — October 20th, 2011, 7:02 pm
Statistics: Posted by Jason Caldwell — October 20th, 2011, 4:59 pm
Statistics: Posted by MarkMBravura — October 18th, 2011, 10:01 pm
GregKeen wrote:
Thanks, Cristián, it really helped!I've added the lines below to the s2-hacks.php file and now I have the registration date submitted to MailChimp just fine:
- Code:
add_filter("ws_plugin__s2member_mailchimp_merge_array", "my_filter");
function my_filter($merge)
$my_custom_elements = array('MERGE3'=>date("m/d/Y"));
return array_merge($merge, $my_custom_elements);
Statistics: Posted by MarkMBravura — October 18th, 2011, 8:06 pm
Statistics: Posted by Cristián Lávaque — June 27th, 2011, 9:45 pm
Statistics: Posted by Cristián Lávaque — June 27th, 2011, 12:24 am
add_filter("ws_plugin__s2member_mailchimp_merge_array", "my_filter");
function my_filter($merge)
$my_custom_elements = array('MERGE3'=>date("m/d/Y"));
return array_merge($merge, $my_custom_elements);
Statistics: Posted by GregKeen — June 26th, 2011, 11:39 pm
Statistics: Posted by Cristián Lávaque — June 26th, 2011, 10:29 pm
Statistics: Posted by GregKeen — June 26th, 2011, 10:00 pm
Could you please help me understand the degree of synchonization that takes place after signup?
Statistics: Posted by Jason Caldwell — June 24th, 2011, 12:44 am
Jason Caldwell wrote:
Thanks for the follow-up.
Your list of Users/Members is not 100% synchronized with your MailChimp List(s), nor should it be. An account on your site provides access to your content, while a subscriber on your mailing list just receives email communication from you. Does that help to clarify?
Statistics: Posted by Abercorn — June 22nd, 2011, 3:04 pm
Is there a way to keep the confirm email disabled (as it is) and some how enable just the final (welcome) email... or is it an "all or nothing" hack?
If you want to send an email immediately when someone signs up, customize your "Final Welcome Email" template - no autoresponder needed. Use autoresponders if you want to send 1 day or longer after signup.
Statistics: Posted by MarkMBravura — June 22nd, 2011, 2:56 pm
Statistics: Posted by dancarp — June 22nd, 2011, 7:46 am
In other words, is MailChimp gathering the IP address directly from the subscriber through their confirmation email ? Or is that a field that the plugin sends to MailChimp?
Statistics: Posted by Jason Caldwell — June 22nd, 2011, 1:16 am
Abercorn wrote:
Jason, Christián,
I have the type of setup that dancarp describes above. Subscriber checks box agreeing to receiving emails from us and also agreeing to the Terms & Conditions. Subsequently, the plugin sends an email out to them with a link to our website's login form and a system-generated password. I checked today with MailChimp's customer support, and they agree that such procedure as I have described is considered a "double-opt-in" process. They said that as long as that double-opt-in process is implemented on our website, they don't have a problem with their confirmation emails being disabled. They directed me to the following page which indicates that a list is OK to be imported into MailChimp if the subscribers have opted in to the list "on your own website": ... -mailchimp
Anyways, just a little background as some people appear to be under the impression that disabling the Mailchimp confirmation email would be frowned-upon by MailChimp.
Having said all of that, I have a question for you. If the hack is implemented and the mailchimp confirmation email is disabled, will Mailchimp continue to receive the original ip address of the subscriber as collected by the S2Member plugin? Or will they end up collecting the IP address (and for that matter date and time) of my host (as S2Member exports the data via the API through the host)?
In other words, is MailChimp gathering the IP address directly from the subscriber through their confirmation email ? Or is that a field that the plugin sends to MailChimp?
Please advise as this issue would impact how MailChimp would handle potential SPAM complaints.
Statistics: Posted by Abercorn — June 20th, 2011, 3:38 pm
Statistics: Posted by Cristián Lávaque — June 18th, 2011, 10:55 pm
Statistics: Posted by MarkMBravura — June 18th, 2011, 1:09 am
Statistics: Posted by Preston324 — June 18th, 2011, 12:12 am
Statistics: Posted by Cristián Lávaque — June 17th, 2011, 11:42 pm