s2Member v110815
Source Code: s2member\includes\classes\installation.inc.php
Docs updated: August 15, 2011, 3:11 pm
Open for public discussion.
(!-- s-words :: --)Source Code Documentation Packages ( Overview ) Classes Deprecated Todo Index Source Code jQuery(window).load(function(){ if(typeof location.hash === 'string' && location.hash.match(/^#/)) jQuery('olli'+location.hash).addClass('hilite'); }); jQuery(window).bind('hashchange', function(){ if(typeof location.hash === 'string' && location.hash.match(/^#/)) jQuery('olli').removeClass('hilite'); jQuery('olli'+location.hash).addClass('hilite'); }); [ full view ]s2member\includes\classes\installation.inc.php ?php /** * Installation routines for s2Member. * * Copyright: © 2009-2011 * {@link http://www.websharks-inc.com/ WebSharks, Inc.} * ( coded in the USA ) * * Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License, * along with this software. In the main directory, see: /licensing/ * If not, see: {@link http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}. * * @package s2Member\Installation * @since 3.5 */ if ( realpath ( __FILE__ ) === realpath ( $_SERVER [ "SCRIPT_FILENAME" ] ) ) exit ( "Do not access this file directly." ) ; /**/ if ( ! class_exists ( "c_ws_plugin__s2member_installation" ) ) { /** * Installation routines for s2Member. * * @package s2Member\Installation * @since 3.5 */ class c_ws_plugin__s2member_installation { /** * Activation routines for s2Member. * * @package s2Member\Installation * @since 3.5 * * @return null */ public static function activate ( $reactivation_reason = FALSE ) { global $wpdb ; /* Global database object reference. */ global $current_site , $current_blog ; /* Multisite. */ /**/ do_action ( "ws_plugin__s2member_before_activation" , get_defined_vars ( ) ) ; /**/ c_ws_plugin__s2member_roles_caps:: config_roles ( ) ; /* Config Roles/Caps. */ /**/ update_option ( "ws_plugin__s2member_activated_levels" , $GLOBALS [ "WS_PLUGIN__" ] [ "s2member" ] [ "c" ] [ "levels" ] ) ; /**/ if ( ! is_dir ( $files_dir = $GLOBALS [ "WS_PLUGIN__" ] [ "s2member" ] [ "c" ] [ "files_dir" ] ) ) if ( is_writable ( dirname (c_ws_plugin__s2member_utils_dirs:: strip_dir_app_data ( $files_dir ) ) ) ) mkdir ( $files_dir , 0777 , true ) ; /**/ if ( is_dir ( $files_dir ) && is_writable ( $files_dir ) ) if ( ! file_exists ( $htaccess = $files_dir . "/.htaccess" ) ) file_put_contents ( $htaccess , "deny from all" ) ; /**/ if ( ! is_dir ( $logs_dir = $GLOBALS [ "WS_PLUGIN__" ] [ "s2member" ] [ "c" ] [ "logs_dir" ] ) ) if ( is_writable ( dirname (c_ws_plugin__s2member_utils_dirs:: strip_dir_app_data ( $logs_dir ) ) ) ) mkdir ( $logs_dir , 0777 , true ) ; /**/ if ( is_dir ( $logs_dir ) && is_writable ( $logs_dir ) ) if ( ! file_exists ( $htaccess = $logs_dir . "/.htaccess" ) ) file_put_contents ( $htaccess , "deny from all" ) ; /**/ ( ! is_array ( get_option ( "ws_plugin__s2member_cache" ) ) ) ? update_option ( "ws_plugin__s2member_cache" , array ( ) ) : null ; ( ! is_array ( get_option ( "ws_plugin__s2member_notices" ) ) ) ? update_option ( "ws_plugin__s2member_notices" , array ( ) ) : null ; ( ! is_array ( get_option ( "ws_plugin__s2member_options" ) ) ) ? update_option ( "ws_plugin__s2member_options" , array ( ) ) : null ; ( ! is_numeric ( get_option ( "ws_plugin__s2member_configured" ) ) ) ? update_option ( "ws_plugin__s2member_configured" , "0" ) : null ; /**/ if ( $GLOBALS [ "WS_PLUGIN__" ] [ "s2member" ] [ "c" ] [ "configured" ] ) /* If already configured, we are re-activating. */ { $v = get_option ( "ws_plugin__s2member_activated_version" ) ; /**/ if ( ! $v || ! version_compare ( $v , "3.2" , "=" ) ) /* Needs to be upgraded? */ /* Version 3.2 is where `meta_key` names were changed. They're prefixed now. */ { $like = "`meta_key` LIKE 's2member\_%' AND `meta_key` NOT LIKE '%s2member\_originating\_blog%'" ; $wpdb - query ( "UPDATE `" . $wpdb - usermeta . "` SET `meta_key` = CONCAT('" . $wpdb - prefix . "', `meta_key`) WHERE " . $like ) ; } /**/ if ( ! $v || ! version_compare ( $v , "3.2.5" , "=" ) ) /* Needs to be upgraded? */ /* Version 3.2.5 is where transient names were changed. They're prefixed now. */ { $wpdb - query ( "DELETE FROM `" . $wpdb - options . "` WHERE `option_name` LIKE '\_transient\_%'" ) ; } /**/ if ( ! $v || ! version_compare ( $v , "3.2.6" , "=" ) ) /* Needs to be upgraded? */ /* Version 3.2.6 fixed `s2member_ccaps_req` being stored empty and/or w/ one empty element in the array. */ { $wpdb - query ( "DELETE FROM `" . $wpdb - postmeta . "` WHERE `meta_key` = 's2member_ccaps_req' AND `meta_value` IN('','a:0:{}','a:1:{i:0;s:0:\" \";}')" ) ; } /**/ if ( ! $v || ! version_compare ( $v , "3.5" , "=" ) ) /* Needs to be notified about Screen Options? */ /* Version 3.5 introduced a dismissal message regarding Screen Options in the list of Users/Members. */ { $notice = 'strongNote:/strong s2Member adds some new data columns to your list of Users/Members. If your list gets overcrowded, please use the strongScreen Options/strong tab em( upper right-hand corner )/em. With WordPress® Screen Options, you can add/remove specific data columns; thereby making the most important data easier to read. For example, if you create Custom Registration Fields with s2Member, those Custom Fields will result in new data columns; which can cause your list of Users/Members to become nearly unreadable. So just use the Screen Options tab to clean things up.' ; c_ws_plugin__s2member_admin_notices:: enqueue_admin_notice ( $notice , "blog:users.php" , false , false , true ) ; } /**/ $notice = 'strongs2Member/strong has been strongreactivated/strong, with ' . ( ( $reactivation_reason === "levels" ) ? 'code' . esc_html ( $GLOBALS [ "WS_PLUGIN__" ] [ "s2member" ] [ "c" ] [ "levels" ] ) . '/code Membership Levels' : 'the latest version' ) . '.br /' ; $notice .= 'You now have version ' . esc_html (WS_PLUGIN__S2MEMBER_VERSION) . '. Your existing configuration remains.' ; /**/ if ( ! is_multisite ( ) || !c_ws_plugin__s2member_utils_conds:: is_multisite_farm ( ) || is_main_site ( ) ) /* No Changelog on a Multisite Farm. */ $notice .= 'br /Have fun, a href="' . esc_attr ( admin_url ( "/admin.php?page=ws-plugin--s2member-info#rm-changelog" ) ) . '"read the Changelog/a, and make some money!
' ; /**/ c_ws_plugin__s2member_admin_notices:: enqueue_admin_notice ( $notice , array ( "blog|network:plugins.php" , "blog|network:ws-plugin--s2member-start" , "blog|network:ws-plugin--s2member-mms-ops" , "blog|network:ws-plugin--s2member-gen-ops" , "blog|network:ws-plugin--s2member-res-ops" ) ) ; /**/ if ( preg_match ( "/^win/i" , PHP_OS ) && is_dir (c_ws_plugin__s2member_utils_dirs:: strip_dir_app_data ( $files_dir ) ) && count ( scandir (c_ws_plugin__s2member_utils_dirs:: strip_dir_app_data ( $files_dir ) ) ) 4 ) { $notice = 'strongWindows® Server ( NOTICE ):/strong Your protected files MUST be moved to the code/app_data/code sub-directory. For further details, see: codes2Member - Download Options - Basic/code.' ; c_ws_plugin__s2member_admin_notices:: enqueue_admin_notice ( $notice , array ( "blog|network:plugins.php" , "blog|network:ws-plugin--s2member-start" , "blog|network:ws-plugin--s2member-mms-ops" , "blog|network:ws-plugin--s2member-gen-ops" , "blog|network:ws-plugin--s2member-res-ops" ) , true ) ; } } else /* Otherwise, (initial activation); we'll help the Site Owner out by giving them a link to the Quick Start Guide. */ { $notice = 'strongNote:/strong s2Member adds some new data columns to your list of Users/Members. If your list gets overcrowded, please use the strongScreen Options/strong tab em( upper right-hand corner )/em. With WordPress® Screen Options, you can add/remove specific data columns; thereby making the most important data easier to read. For example, if you create Custom Registration Fields with s2Member, those Custom Fields will result in new data columns; which can cause your list of Users/Members to become nearly unreadable. So just use the Screen Options tab to clean things up.' ; /**/ c_ws_plugin__s2member_admin_notices:: enqueue_admin_notice ( $notice , "blog:users.php" , false , false , true ) ; /**/ $notice = 'strongs2Member/strong v' . esc_html (WS_PLUGIN__S2MEMBER_VERSION) . ' has been strongactivated/strong. Nice work!br /' ; $notice .= 'Have fun, a href="' . esc_attr ( admin_url ( "/admin.php?page=ws-plugin--s2member-start" ) ) . '"read the Quick Start Guide/a, and make some money!
' ; /**/ c_ws_plugin__s2member_admin_notices:: enqueue_admin_notice ( $notice , array ( "blog|network:plugins.php" , "blog|network:ws-plugin--s2member-start" , "blog|network:ws-plugin--s2member-mms-ops" , "blog|network:ws-plugin--s2member-gen-ops" , "blog|network:ws-plugin--s2member-res-ops" ) ) ; } /**/ update_option ( "ws_plugin__s2member_activated_version" , WS_PLUGIN__S2MEMBER_VERSION) ; /* Mark version. */ /**/ if ( is_multisite ( ) && is_main_site ( ) ) /* Network activation routines. A few quick adjustments. */ { foreach ( ( array ) ( $users = $wpdb - get_results ( "SELECT `ID` FROM `" . $wpdb - users . "`" ) ) as $user ) { /* Here we convert everyone already in the system; without a point of origin. This will set their point of origin to the Main Site. */ if ( ! ( $originating_blog = get_user_meta ( $user - ID , "s2member_originating_blog" , true ) ) ) update_user_meta ( $user - ID , "s2member_originating_blog" , $current_site - blog_id ) ; } /**/ $notice = 'strongMultisite Network/strong updated automatically by strongs2Member/strong v' . esc_html (WS_PLUGIN__S2MEMBER_VERSION) . '.br /' ; $notice .= 'You\'ll want to configure s2Member\'s Multisite options now.br /' ; $notice .= 'In the Dashboard for your Main Site, see:br /' ; $notice .= 'codes2Member - Multisite ( Config )/code.' ; /**/ c_ws_plugin__s2member_admin_notices:: enqueue_admin_notice ( $notice , array ( "blog|network:plugins.php" , "blog|network:ws-plugin--s2member-start" , "blog|network:ws-plugin--s2member-mms-ops" , "blog|network:ws-plugin--s2member-gen-ops" , "blog|network:ws-plugin--s2member-res-ops" ) ) ; /**/ update_option ( "ws_plugin__s2member_activated_mms_version" , WS_PLUGIN__S2MEMBER_VERSION) ; } /**/ do_action ( "ws_plugin__s2member_after_activation" , get_defined_vars ( ) ) ; /**/ return ; /* Return for uniformity. */ } /** * Deactivation routines for s2Member. * * @package s2Member\Installation * @since 3.5 * * @return null */ public static function deactivate ( ) { global $wpdb ; /* Global database object reference. */ global $current_site , $current_blog ; /* Multisite. */ /**/ do_action ( "ws_plugin__s2member_before_deactivation" , get_defined_vars ( ) ) ; /**/ if ( $GLOBALS [ "WS_PLUGIN__" ] [ "s2member" ] [ "o" ] [ "run_deactivation_routines" ] ) { c_ws_plugin__s2member_roles_caps:: unlink_roles ( ) ; /* Unlink Roles/Caps. */ /**/ if ( is_dir ( $files_dir = $GLOBALS [ "WS_PLUGIN__" ] [ "s2member" ] [ "c" ] [ "files_dir" ] ) ) { if ( file_exists ( $htaccess = $files_dir . "/.htaccess" ) ) if ( is_writable ( $htaccess ) ) unlink ( $htaccess ) ; /**/ @ rmdir ( $files_dir ) . @ rmdir (c_ws_plugin__s2member_utils_dirs:: strip_dir_app_data ( $files_dir ) ) ; } /**/ if ( is_dir ( $logs_dir = $GLOBALS [ "WS_PLUGIN__" ] [ "s2member" ] [ "c" ] [ "logs_dir" ] ) ) { foreach ( scandir ( $logs_dir ) as $log_file ) if ( is_file ( $log_file = $logs_dir . "/" . $log_file ) ) if ( is_writable ( $log_file ) ) unlink ( $log_file ) ; /**/ @ rmdir ( $logs_dir ) . @ rmdir (c_ws_plugin__s2member_utils_dirs:: strip_dir_app_data ( $logs_dir ) ) ; } /**/ delete_option ( "ws_plugin__s2member_cache" ) ; delete_option ( "ws_plugin__s2member_notices" ) ; delete_option ( "ws_plugin__s2member_options" ) ; delete_option ( "ws_plugin__s2member_configured" ) ; delete_option ( "ws_plugin__s2member_activated_levels" ) ; delete_option ( "ws_plugin__s2member_activated_version" ) ; delete_option ( "ws_plugin__s2member_activated_mms_version" ) ; /**/ $wpdb - query ( "DELETE FROM `" . $wpdb - options . "` WHERE `option_name` LIKE '%" . esc_sql ( like_escape ( "s2member_" ) ) . "%'" ) ; $wpdb - query ( "DELETE FROM `" . $wpdb - options . "` WHERE `option_name` LIKE '" . esc_sql ( like_escape ( "_transient_s2m_" ) ) . "%'" ) ; $wpdb - query ( "DELETE FROM `" . $wpdb - options . "` WHERE `option_name` LIKE '" . esc_sql ( like_escape ( "_transient_timeout_s2m_" ) ) . "%'" ) ; $wpdb - query ( "DELETE FROM `" . $wpdb - postmeta . "` WHERE `meta_key` LIKE '%" . esc_sql ( like_escape ( "s2member_" ) ) . "%'" ) ; $wpdb - query ( "DELETE FROM `" . $wpdb - usermeta . "` WHERE `meta_key` LIKE '%" . esc_sql ( like_escape ( "s2member_" ) ) . "%'" ) ; /**/ do_action ( "ws_plugin__s2member_during_deactivation" , get_defined_vars ( ) ) ; } /**/ do_action ( "ws_plugin__s2member_after_deactivation" , get_defined_vars ( ) ) ; /**/ return ; /* Return for uniformity. */ } } } ? [ full view ]s2member\includes\classes\installation.inc.php Source Code Documentation Packages ( Overview ) Classes Deprecated Todo Index Source Code(!-- :: s-words --)Statistics: Posted by System Robot — August 15th, 2011, 2:11 pm