I essentially want to sell a course and while s2member is awesome at dripping content based on subscription level I'm not sure on how to drip content based on a custom capability.
You could try playing around with the code found under s2Member -> API/Scripting -> s2Member Content Dripping, at the verrry bottom.
Something like this? :
- Code:
<?php if(s2member_paid_registration_time("ccap_course") >= ($_7_days_ago = strtotime("7 days"))){ ?>
Drip more content to Members that started paying you for ccap_course, at least 7 days ago.
<?php } ?>
I'm not sure if it'll work, as I don't have my site set-up with people who are buying ccaps right now, so I have nothing to test with. If it doesn't work perhaps someone can come up with a hack to make something like that work. I can't find any other documentation on it.
I could give a certain membership level access to the course and then setup content dripping but the side affect is that all high levels will also have access to this course instead of through an addon purchase?
You could either create an entire new cotent-dripping and copy-and-paste for higher users, or just set the PayPal button with the ccap already set in it.
I hope I helped in some way!
Statistics: Posted by Bruce C — August 14th, 2011, 11:29 am