I had Jason take a look at my site and he pointed out the site was throwing an error message (using firebug) when trying to access one of s2Member's javascript files so I dug in and if you're interested in the analysis read on, otherwise jump to the solution section for details on what worked for me:
I found that the error message was also complaining about access to a .htaccess file. This is used by s2member to implement security however if you see this file in places where it shouldn't be throughout your site that generally a sign of a possible attack on your site, and don't panic, or that something is setup incorrectly. I found that the particular error I received was coming from IIS server stating it couldn't process .htaccess. Wordpress is PHP/Apache based so IIS isn't needed. I remembered then that I had enabled Remote IIS Management (under Management tab in hosting control panel if you have the same setup) and also had enabled publishing because I had also deployed a .Net solution to the same "Website" under another virtual directory. Turns out Wordpress and S2member don't play nice together with other .Net applications when IIS is enabled on the same directory. Disabled those and viola everything works now. Had to move ASP.Net application to some other spot.
Solution that worked for me:
I had enabled Remote IIS Management (under Management tab in hosting control panel if you have the same setup) and also had enabled publishing because I had also deployed an ASP .Net solution to the same "Website" under another virtual directory. Turns out Wordpress and S2member don't play nice together with other .Net applications when IIS is enabled on the same directory. Disabled those and viola everything works now. Had to move ASP.Net application to some other spot.
Good luck to everyone.Statistics: Posted by amkcom — December 14th, 2011, 2:15 am