I was just visting Primo to see if there was any new and fresh approaches to stuff that I
can use on my site and I noticed your post.
I have something similar (but not the same)to what you require. Here is what I have found,
the buy now option is used for specific pages and as it is for members and non members alike
it does not seem to make a record of the user.
In order to have a user only user a form once the system will have to be awhere of that user visit to
the form. So they will probably need to be a member. Once the form is used you would need to setup
a user meta entry to keep track of the users use.
i.e - Code:
add_user_meta( $user_id, 'form_submitted', true )
Each time a user visits the form page a check of the meta can be made. if no meta entry
show the form, if meta entry exists don't show the form or show an alternative output.
Hope this helps
Pete..Statistics: Posted by peterhuk — May 17th, 2011, 6:46 pm