No registration form after returning from PayPal
Posted: April 12th, 2011, 9:56 pm
After checkout, your Customer will receive an email with instructions and a special link to your registration form. In addition, immediately after checkout, the Customer will be returned to the Registration Form automatically. If that is not happening ( i.e. you are NOT being redirected after checkout ), here are some things I would have a look at:
- Did you complete the PayPal Auto-Return/PDT integration described in s2Member -> PayPal Options -> Auto-Return/PDT? If not, you'll need to follow the instructions provided there. This section is in your Dashboard under: s2Member -> PayPal Options -> Auto-Return/PDT.
- Are you offering a free trial? If so, there are certain circumstances under which PayPal does not provide any data to s2Member immediately after checkout. In those cases, s2Member will process everything through IPN integration behind-the-scene and send the Customer an email. So instead of immediately redirecting to the registration form, a Customer will be instructed to check their email, where they will receive a clickable link to the Registration Form. This is an annoying limitation, but it has to do with free trials only, and it does not negatively affect the ability for s2Member to process things, it just makes it a little less user-friendly, since a Customer will need to check their email for the link instead of being redirected to it immediately. If you'd like to bypass this limitation, don't offer a free trial option; as this only happens when there is a free trial associated with the PayPal checkout process. Either that, or you can upgrade to s2Member Pro using Pro Forms, where this is not an issue.