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Splitting up registration form by field sections

PostPosted: June 10th, 2011, 1:01 pm
by candy

Installed the new S2 on a more or less test site, and I liked the new features :-)

NOW :-) I have a big question !

Registration fields ... I can add as many as I like and you promised they syncronize with BuddyPress - all great so far.

Let's say I will define 3 sections in the registration form:

section 1 (basic, standard let's say incl. name, email, password)
section 2 (personal details - like address, b-day, hobbys, etc)
section 3 (business info - whatever about the business)

Each of the sections (other than section 1, which will only have required fields) will have both required & optional fields.

What I want to do is the following:

User registration:
A. user must complete step1 by filling in ALL fields from section 1(all required), than he clicks on a button called "register" and the confirmation email goes out. Once he clicked on the confirmation link in that email (like, "ok, I want indeed to register" [no site access unless he confirms the email]) he will be sent to a page where

B. he will HAVE to complete all info required in section 2. again clicks on a button and lands to a following page

C. here he'll have to complete the fields (at least the required ones) in section 3

he clicks on "send button" and lands on a page where he'll have 2 choose from 2 or 3 membership options (free, level1 (including the appropriate paypal button), level2 (including the respective paypayl button).

Depending on the choosen option he'll be registered as Free or Paid member.

So basically it's about splitting the registration form into more pages. I know it can be done in PHP but I have NO CLUE how .. :-(

Looking forward to your answer :-)

(I really think it's very much needed to split that form, I only added 3- 4 fields and the form was already 1km long ... )

Re: Splitting up registration form by field sections

PostPosted: June 11th, 2011, 12:08 am
by Cristián Lávaque
Well, it could be done, but you'll certainly need to customize to achieve it...

In the current release, s2Member can require a registrant to confirm the registration, by forcing them to check their email to receive an auto-generated password, instead of allowing them to do everything on-site ( i.e. thwarts spammers, bots, etc ). And this consolidates the confirmation process into just one email instead of two.

The 1st step of the registration would be the usual registration form. Then for the 2nd and 3rd steps, the custom fields would have the Allow Profile Edits setting set to "Yes (editable after registration / invisible during registration)", which will prevent them from showing up in the 1st step. You'd create a page for steps 2 and 3, each would have a form to edit the profile with just the fields you want in that step.

The problem with this is that the account would be created after step 1 and the other two steps would not have fields required by s2Member because that only works during account creation (step 1) and with fields not hidden. You will have to require them with your custom script for the forms in steps 2 and 3.

I'm not even sure about complications with the BuddyPress integration because I'm not familiar with that.

Anyway, you will need a developer to create this customization for you. Try a freelancer website like, oDesk, eLance.

I hope I at least gave an idea of how it could be done.

Re: Splitting up registration form by field sections

PostPosted: June 11th, 2011, 9:13 am
by candy
Hi Cristián,

Thank you for your answer!

But now there's something I need to understnad - if I set a field as "required" and in the same time as "editable after registration", it will mean it does not show in the registration form, right?

what is the meaning of "required" than? Will the user be forced to fill in those fields let's say once he logs in for the 1st time on the page, or what/how ?!??!

if so, this could also be an alternative to a log reg process, which would be fine :)

You said "s2Member can require a registrant to confirm the registration, by forcing them to check their email to receive an auto-generated password," - somehow I cannot find that option, could you please give me a hint as where is it hidden? :-)


Re: Splitting up registration form by field sections

PostPosted: June 11th, 2011, 11:36 pm
by Cristián Lávaque
WP Admin -> s2Member -> General Options -> Custom Registration Fields -> Allow Custom Passwords during Registration

About the required field, if it's not visible during registration, then it won't be required, even after registration. I asked Jason about it, I'll let you know if I'm wrong, but I tested it and that's how it behaved.

Re: Splitting up registration form by field sections

PostPosted: June 13th, 2011, 10:19 am
by candy
hmmm ... if not, why are they called "required" for? Makes no sense, isn't it?

Re: Splitting up registration form by field sections

PostPosted: June 13th, 2011, 10:03 pm
by Cristián Lávaque
Exactly. I can understand that they can't be required on registration if they're invisible then, but I'd hope for them to be required next time they go to their profile or something like that. I left Jason a note about it, we'll look into it.

For what you want to do, though, since you'd be creating custom forms for the following steps of the registration process, you could add a custom requirement for those fields.

Re: Splitting up registration form by field sections

PostPosted: July 13th, 2011, 7:49 am
by candy
Any progress on this one?
If you don't force people to fill them in, they never will ... plaine reality :-)

Re: Splitting up registration form by field sections

PostPosted: July 13th, 2011, 6:41 pm
by Cristián Lávaque
I left Jason a message asking about required fields hidden during registration. I'll wait for him to answer here about that.