PriMoThemes — now s2Member® (official notice)
This is now a very OLD forum system. It's in READ-ONLY mode.
All community interaction now occurs at WP Sharks™. See: new forums @ WP Sharks™
(s2Member/s2Member Pro). MailChimp® Interest Groups. Ability to use Interest Groups with Mailchimp List IDs. For examples, please check your Dashboard under: s2Member -> API List Servers -> MailChimp.
New Level #1 Members will be subscribed to these List IDs.
Ex: 4a44fRio5d, 434ksvviEdf, 8834jsdf923, ee9djfs4jel3
Or: 4a44fRio5d::Group Title::Group|Another Group
MarkMBravura wrote:Hi guys,
So my question is this... Is it possible to have 1 mailchimp list and use the groups/segment feature of mailchimp to track specific subscribers who signed up on specific pages?
For instance, let's say i've got a main squeeze page on the main domain landing page and another seperate squeeze page with a different optin offer on a different page. Is it possible to somehow individually track the signups from each individual squeeze page using only one mailchimp list? And if so, how would i best go about it? If not, what would be a viable alternative?
In the net result all subs will go to the same member login landing page. The only thing i am ultimately trying to accomplish is to determine which subs came from which advertising campaigns.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
add_filter("ws_plugin__s2member_mailchimp_merge_array", "my_filter");
function my_filter($merge, $vars)
// $merge /* Array of existing MERGE fields that s2Member passes by default. */
// $vars /* Array of defined variables in the scope/context of this Filter. */
// print_r($vars); // Lots of good stuff in this array.
$user_id = $vars["user_id"];
$user_custom = get_user_option("s2member_custom", $user_id);
$my_custom_merge_vars = array("S2_CUSTOM" => $user_custom);
return array_merge($merge, $my_custom_merge_vars);
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