I can't seem to figure out what I need to do with this IPN Proxy URL.
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Using this link:
https://cms.paypal.com/cgi-bin/marketingweb?cmd=_render-content&content_ID=developer/e_howto_admin_IPNIntro#id091F0M006Y4 I found these extra vars:
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I've never dealt with IPN before. This is what I believe should happen.
Customer uses my custom gateway. I verify payment went through and all that.
Once payment goes through I post an IPN to s2member. s2member will echo that post exactly the same back to my script. I then should post a verified? (according to the paypal link above) Once s2member receives that the IPN is verified I assume it goes through and updates the database or what ever normally would happen on a successful paypal payment.
I'm confused on trying to figure out what s2member NEEDS on top of the custom and level variables in the IPN post. There seems to be a lot of options so trying to figure out the bare minimum needed.
2nd, is I'm a little lost on where to post to. Just to my site url?
Thanks for any help.