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Possible to format subscription options in a drop-down?

PostPosted: October 15th, 2010, 11:27 am
by sugeneris
[I'm not entirely sold on this idea, but need to check on the feasibility just in case.]

If you follow this path at the Paypal site:
Profile-> More Options-> Recurring Payments Dashboard-> Create a Subscription Button (under Related Items)

You'll find that it's possible to generate a subscription button that has multiple options in a drop-down menu above it. My client's asking if it's possible to have s2Member use the same format. There's obviously some heavy integration going on that I'm not comfortable with hacking just yet, so was curious if this were possible. If you had a tutorial/walkthrough, that'd be even better *grin*

I've been doing some searching in the forum, but not finding anything that modifies the button code to this extent just yet.

Thanks for any help.

Re: Possible to format subscription options in a drop-down?

PostPosted: October 23rd, 2010, 1:35 am
by Jason Caldwell
Hi there. Thanks for the excellent question.

Yes, this is definitely possible. Please take a look at this thread:

Let me know if anything is unclear. ~ Thanks.