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Website de bienes raices

s2Member Plugin. A Membership plugin for WordPress®.

Website de bienes raices

Postby Abner7g » June 29th, 2011, 9:39 am

Wow Cristian, no sabia que podia escribir en Español, que alivio. Estoy contemplando trabajar un web para una pagina de bienes raices donde el developer considero la opcion de aparte de la busqueda de propiedades un directorio de Agentes, pero no es como una membresia como tal sino que te registras y pagas por post o listar tu propiedad. ok En vez de hacer eso quisiera hacerlo como membresia mensual utilizando mi plugin de s2. El template tiene integrado formas de registro y login, como yo puedo integrar esas formas especialmente la de registro para que el member una vez de registre haga el pago utilizando el sistema de pago a travez de s2member. Adjunto te dejo el link de la forma de registro. Solo necesito una idea de como se puede hacer puedo trabajar con codigos sencillos si es que hay que llegar a ese punto. Mil Gracias!!
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Re: Website de bienes raices

Postby Cristián Lávaque » June 29th, 2011, 10:19 pm

Trato de evitarlo porque se dificulta el soporte cuando se necesita a Jason, o no sirve de registro para otros que buscan resolver un problema similar pero sólo saben inglés, pero lo hago si la persona no sabe inglés como para que hablemos así.

En cuanto a lo que quieres hacer es tener el listado y publicación de propiedades protegido con un nivel pago usando s2Member? Estas publicaciones cómo las creas? usas un shortcode o todo el theme está armado específicamente para esto? Está todo bajo una categoría o puedes ponerles tags? Si las restricciones de post, page, tag o category no te sirven, quizás la de URI sí. WP Admin -> s2Member -> Restriction Options -> URI Restrictions

Espero que te ayude. :)
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Re: Website de bienes raices

Postby Abner7g » June 30th, 2011, 8:19 am

Ohh ok no problem. I haven't bought the theme yet but is the best so far that I found for this project. I read in the s2 general options in the Registration options that s2 is compatible with the major custom registration and login forms in the web. The theme comes with the build-in feature similar to the pay per post but is not integrated with the payment process it's just for member registration.If you wan to start submiting listing there a back office option to create payment options base on your criteria but our goal is to have a membership program using s2 with the same price to all the future members base on a automatic monthly fee.

This is a small profile that members has onces they're registered and all your primaries post were configure to be a property listing other than a regular post, see the url..

Base on a theme that I already have from the developer I think that the Property listings post are separate in the back office from the regular post module. All that we want to use is the default registration and log in form build-in in the theme but integrate them to s2 so we can use the monthly fee program. Thanks Cristian!!!
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Re: Website de bienes raices

Postby Cristián Lávaque » June 30th, 2011, 10:10 pm

Got it! I think... :P

Anyway, looks like you'll want to use s2Members' advanced conditionals to edit the theme and achieve what you want.

WP Admin -> s2Member -> API / Scripting -> Using Advanced Conditionals and Avanced Query Conditionals

I hope that helps. :)
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Re: Website de bienes raices

Postby Abner7g » June 30th, 2011, 11:02 pm

Well that was a great information to know but that is not what I'm looking for. Lets start in a simple way, can I use this registration form with s2 instead of th default s2 form? press this URL ... e1=sign_up

I could confirm that the payment process for listing post in this theme is apart from the registration process. I just need to integrate that registration form with s2 and this login form: ... e1=sign_in

Thank you very much Cristian I will be checking on those other video to know better this amazing plugin
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Re: Website de bienes raices

Postby Cristián Lávaque » June 30th, 2011, 11:17 pm

Well, the user can create the account with that page and set the role to Subscriber, and then you can sell him the access to the paid features using a PayPal button to modify his account upgrading it to Level 1.

To limit the access to the paid pages/features, you will need to use the advanced conditionals I mentioned above to check that the user has access to Level 1.

Thanks for the kudos! I hope you can integrate s2Member with that template the way you want without much trouble, we'll help with what we can. :)
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Re: Website de bienes raices

Postby Abner7g » July 1st, 2011, 9:42 am

Thank you very much Cristian, ok we're almost there. I'm thinking about the option for a 2 step registration process. The visitor register in the default theme form and the second step would be a 2nd login welcome page with a user current rol script once they get registered. How can I drive the users once they register in the custom form to that 2nd login welcome page to upgrade their membership to pay for the level 1? that is the jackpot question since I don't no for sure if s2member take control of the default registration form. 8-)
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Re: Website de bienes raices

Postby Cristián Lávaque » July 1st, 2011, 9:11 pm

s2Member Pro has a pro-form for free registrations which lets you specify what URL the person will be taken to after submitting it successfully. WP Admin -> s2Member -> PayPal Pro-Forms -> Free Registrations and Shortcode Attributes (Explained) -> success

Does that help?
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Re: Website de bienes raices

Postby Abner7g » July 4th, 2011, 12:09 pm

ok got it I just need to upgrade to s2member Pro in order to use that custom registration form with s2member? there's no other way to use that registration for integrated with s2member. Another thing is, that form is not in the backoffice like a widget or category or specific page. That form is like a custom page with an specific permalink. of here's the thing. The developer created me a live demo with backoffice login. I will create an Administration access for you so can look up there and tell how can I manage that registration access. If you can email me with you email address I can send the login access for you. Thank you Cristian!!
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Re: Website de bienes raices

Postby Cristián Lávaque » July 4th, 2011, 12:39 pm

I'm sorry, I don't login to people's admin areas, but I'll try to help you from here. :)

Yes, you need s2Member Pro for that and the registration pro-form is a shortcode you paste to any WP page you choose.
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Re: Website de bienes raices

Postby Abner7g » July 5th, 2011, 12:42 am

I think that we're not understanding each other correctly and maybe a straight answer would be more efective. Ok I've been working all around in the live demo of my theme and here is the situation

Here is the registration form of the theme: ... e1=sign_up

Once you're registered you have a front end dashboard to modify your profile and information, as well as the property listings (post) Those elements are not in the back office or backend to be modify or changed, I think I have to go to the core files and work with the code.

Thing is that I have to work and use that registration form because it's linked with the profile information in the user frontend. For that part I guess that neather the paypal free forms in s2 would help. The jackpot question is how can I integrate that registration form with s2member? I thoought that s2 like it says in the option tabs, is compatible with many registration forms.

I wrote to the developer that I was using this plugin in order to manage the membership and the monthly payment by paypal. I havent receive response yet. Thanks Cristian
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Re: Website de bienes raices

Postby Cristián Lávaque » July 5th, 2011, 12:50 am

I see.

And how do you need to integrate that form with s2Member? Do you think you need to edit it so s2Member works with your template?

I think you can just sell your membership with the s2Member generated PayPal button and that's it. If you need to manually edit someone's level or EOT time, you can do so from the standard profile form in the dashboard. WP Admin -> Users -> Edit User

You'd only need to integrate them if you wanted to add s2Member Custom Registration Fields to the form, which would actually required some customizations. In that case, I suggest you get a developer to help you do it.

But you will need a developer anyway, if you aren't one, to use add the access restrictions to the listings.

Does that help in any way? I hope it does. I think I understood your question and hope I answered it.
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Re: Website de bienes raices

Postby Abner7g » July 5th, 2011, 1:11 am

Ok great. I'm just trying to present the process as clicless as posible to loose potential members. I think it would be more easy if I restrict the listing submiting botton for level 1 paid members and deal with the developer for the payment option modification and then integrate s2. I can't modify those registration fields unless I work with the source code and I really don't need to modify them, my worries are how would s2 see and work with that registration information in the member upgrade. I think we're are almost close thanks Cristian, I'll be waiting the developer information and work with that, if I need some assistance from s2 Ill get back to you!!!
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Re: Website de bienes raices

Postby Cristián Lávaque » July 5th, 2011, 1:25 am

I hope everything goes great with your developer. :)

I don't think s2Member will have a problem with that information, user accounts are still created by WordPress, right?
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