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Ask for login

s2Member Plugin. A Membership plugin for WordPress®.

Ask for login

Postby JanGi » July 3rd, 2011, 4:47 am


first of all thanks for such a great piece of software. I found it fairly easy to set up a membership website through s2Member.

However, there is one thing I can't figure out. Right now, I give my members the link to the wp-login.php in order to log in to the members area. The redirect after logging in works as intended. But when a user tries to access the members area (located at /members/) without being logged in, he gets redirected to the 'sales page'. What I rather want is that he get's presented with a login form. The login form can have a link that says "Not a member yet? Click here to get access!", or something along those lines.

This is probably very easy to do, but I've been searching for a solution for multiple hours, now, and can't seem to figure it out. :-(

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: Ask for login

Postby BobTabor » July 3rd, 2011, 7:59 am

Hi JanGi ... I'm doing exactly what you're asking. While not recommended by the staff here, there are several on the board who have had success with ThemeMyLogin, a plugin that allows you to include a login form in a shortcode. SO on the Home, Login and Payment pages I have:

- A login form
- A "free membership" offer
- Paid memberhip options


As an added bonus, you never see WordPress' login page or profile page (which has a distinct style that may not match the style you're attempting to achieve).

Hope that helps!
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Re: Ask for login

Postby JanGi » July 3rd, 2011, 9:12 am

Hi Bob,

thanks for your quick reply. This really seems like a viable solution. Can you tell my why this plugin is not recommended by the s2Member staff as it seems to do exactly what many are looking for?
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Re: Ask for login

Postby BobTabor » July 3rd, 2011, 10:43 am

They're certainly not hostile towards it, but I don't blame them for demonstrating caution. I doubt they want to go down the slippery slope of supporting other people's products. You may want to do a quick search on the forums for some implementation suggestions by the members. That's how I figured out. If you get stuck by all means ask away and I'll try to help!

Best wishes!!!
Last edited by BobTabor on July 4th, 2011, 8:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ask for login

Postby Cristián Lávaque » July 3rd, 2011, 8:03 pm

I've seen others mention using ThemeMyLogin, I just don't mention it because I really am not familiar with it at all and know that to make it work, those others had to go through some hoops. If you search this forum, you'll find other threads (one in particular) that talk about it.

So, certainly not hostile, just don't really know it. I'm more familiar with s2Member Pro's login widget for this kind of customization. :)
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Re: Ask for login

Postby BobTabor » July 3rd, 2011, 8:25 pm

Here's what I've found so far:

s2Member Pro Login Widget
(1) Can be used as a Widget in a sidebar OR in the body of a page per Jason's post.
(2) Handles the scenario where you want to use both s2member_force_ssl -> yes and Welcome page replacement codes per this post.
(3) Will send the user to the WordPress Login upon logout or other functions like "Forgot Password". Some of us want to completely hide WordPress' login (not just theme it, using s2Member -- but completely take control of the end user experience).

(1) Has a simple shortcode (not a big deal at all, but worth mentioning that it doesn't require the PHP Execution Plugin like the Widget requires if you want to use it outside of the Sidebar).
(2) Allows you to completely hide WordPress' login pages in all scenarios.
(3) Does NOT correctly handle the scenario where you want to use both s2member_force_ssl -> yes and Welcome page replacement codes (it will mostly work right, but Administrators will never be able to login, even using the solution outlined in this post).

I kind of got caught in the middle ... I needed ThemeMyLogin for my customer's experience, but because I, as an Administrator couldn't login (!!!) I had to create a different page using the s2Member Pro Login Widget for my own purposes. HOWEVER: This is an EDGE CASE and if you don't know what all this means, ignore this post!!! :)
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