I am using a third party script for a public library. Once a document is found, user can get any documents by cliking on a link. That link point to a Wp site with s2members.
These links from this external site (non Wp) pointing to the Wp-s2members site will not display the pop up counter. Normal because the java script is not called.
On the other hand, links clicked from Wp display a pop up showing how many downloads left there are. Java script is call upon.
Once a member is loggedin in the WP site, than he is able to download the file directly from the non Wp site. If maximum download is reached, than it will be forwarded to the exceed page.
Maybe I am asking too much, is there any string I could add to the download link that would display how many download are still available WITHOUT having to send the customer to the post itself where the download link is displayed?
Just curious!