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Integration with s3

PostPosted: November 1st, 2010, 12:39 pm
by crushthenet
Hey Jason, first off just want to say that I'm very happy that I found your plugin. It looks like one of the better ones out there for membership sites and it's free, wow.

Anyways, I'm building a network of sites right now. I like the built-in file security/downloading abilities that s2 gives me but don't want to use all my bandwidth on file downloads. So I'm looking at using s3 and s3flowshield, not sure if you've heard of it. It essentially protects your s3 files, integrates with WP and lets you embed/play video and audio. Basically everything I'm looking to do.

So I guess my question is... are the two compatible? I'll probably use s2 file delivery for smaller files but for large videos I'd like to use s3 and make sure they're protected etc.

Thanks again for the plugin. I'm playing with it right now... :D