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Mail Chimp transfer

PostPosted: November 14th, 2010, 7:06 pm
by organicarch
I have followed your informational videos on setting up Mail chimp. -Thank you for those videos...
I set my registration setting to be open to allow free subscribers on level zero.
I set up a list in mail chimp and assigned the list code to level zero in S2 member as you showed.
when I signed up on the s2 registration page as atest, the user information didn't transfer to the list in mail chimp.
I have not yet set up any pay pal buttons for levels 1-4. My question is , am i missing another step in directing new user's contact information to be added to the mail chimp list. When i set up the pay pal button for level one, and after a payment is made, will the person then be directed to the s2 registration page? at that point will their contact information then be sent to the mail chimp list for level 1? Thank you.....

Re: Mail Chimp transfer

PostPosted: November 15th, 2010, 12:40 pm
by crushthenet

Did you get the confirm subscription email and confirm? I just tested this on my test site and it seems to be working fine, email confirmation was sent to the email of the user that signed up. Please check that you're using a valid email to sign up and you're confirming that email.
