can anyone help me on this? thanks for your help. i'd love to have this on my template... thanks. flo
s2member Shortcode Equivalents
( NEW ~ much easier )
[s2Get user_field="first_name" /]
[s2Get user_field="last_name" /]
[s2Get user_field="Website URL" /]
[s2Get user_field="My Custom Field Name" /]
[s2Get user_field="my_custom_field_name" /]
[s2Get user_field="any other WP_User property" /]
You can also pull details from the meta table.
[s2Get user_option="s2member_custom" /]
[s2Get user_option="s2member_subscr_id" /]
[s2Get user_option="s2member_last_payment_time" /]
[s2Get user_option="s2member_auto_eot_time" /]
[s2Get user_option="any other meta_key" /]