Jquery Tax check does not convert to https
Posted: July 14th, 2011, 9:25 am
Thanks to Jason for the code that I can include in my wp.config so that "S2-SSL=Yes" runs without causing an endless loop on my Network Solutions host.
Final (I hope!) problem is that I still get SSL security error messages (In IE I can see that the certificate is fine but I still have non-secure items).
When I take out the link to the Jquery library, the program runs fine without any security issues. When I run a JS debugger on my checkout screen (with the Jquery runnning), I can see that there are two references to http items. The code is below:
Final (I hope!) problem is that I still get SSL security error messages (In IE I can see that the certificate is fine but I still have non-secure items).
When I take out the link to the Jquery library, the program runs fine without any security issues. When I run a JS debugger on my checkout screen (with the Jquery runnning), I can see that there are two references to http items. The code is below:
- Code: Select all
function (M) {
if (p &&
!(M &&
M.interval &&
document.activeElement.id === "s2member-pro-authnet-checkout-country")) {
var L = w(k + " input#s2member-pro-authnet-checkout-attr").val();
var P = w.trim(w(C + " input#s2member-pro-authnet-checkout-state").val());
var Q = w(C + " select#s2member-pro-authnet-checkout-country").val();
var O = w.trim(w(C + " input#s2member-pro-authnet-checkout-zip").val());
var N = P + "|" + Q + "|" + O;
if (P && Q && O && N && (!b || b !== N) && (b = N)) {
y ? y.abort() : null, clearTimeout(e), e = null;
v.html("<div>>img src=\"http://www.action-intell.com/printers/wp-content/plugins/s2member/images/ajax-loader.gif\" alt=\"Calculating Sales Tax...\" /> calculating sales tax...");
e = setTimeout(function () {y = w.post("http://www.action-intell.com/printers/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php", {action: "ws_plugin__s2member_pro_authnet_ajax_tax", ws_plugin__s2member_pro_authnet_ajax_tax: "fnIyOksyYlpyUldpeGVqWGlNZ1EzVGUyOHREYm9rY3FHbGFZfJPLw7z_9Zj6sMYNmgThHox8gV5EVqOXYRsWv-3PIGChhRjgfI9FAyuVKHOhHfbtvQBtqw7r5czSd2PGDGuFpzg~", 'ws_plugin__s2member_pro_authnet_ajax_tax_vars[attr]': L, 'ws_plugin__s2member_pro_authnet_ajax_tax_vars[state]': P, 'ws_plugin__s2member_pro_authnet_ajax_tax_vars[country]': Q, 'ws_plugin__s2member_pro_authnet_ajax_tax_vars[zip]': O}, function (R, T) {clearTimeout(e), e = null;try {v.html("<div><strong>Sales Tax" + (R.trial ? " Today" : "") + ":</strong> " + (R.tax_per ? "<em>" + R.tax_per + "</em> ( " + R.cur_symbol + "" + R.tax + " )" : R.cur_symbol + "" + R.tax) + "<br><strong>\u2014 Total" + (R.trial ? " Today" : "") + ":</strong> " + R.cur_symbol + "" + R.total + "</div>");} catch (S) {}}, "json");}, M && M.keyCode ? 1000 : 100);
} else {
if (!P || !Q || !O || !N) {
v.html(""), b = null;