Page 1 of 1 refuses credit cards that expire in future

PostPosted: July 23rd, 2011, 2:14 pm
by bethperkins refuses ARB transactions with expiration dates that are prior to the next billing date.

In my clients case, he is a charging a $239 yearly fee with ARB and refuses the credit card if it expires within the next year.

Is there a workaround for this? We would like to take the subscription order (and the initial payment of $239) and remind the client that we need a new credit card when the card actually expires..

Update: I looked at my error logs and noticed that the field "x-start-date" (subscription start date) is one year from the current date. This is not accurate because the subscription starts on the current date - the date the customer orders and pays for the subscription. The "X-start-date" is actually the first renewal date. How can I change the "X-start-date" to equal the current date so that transactions will not be rejected for all credit cards that expire within one year?


Re: refuses credit cards that expire in future

PostPosted: July 27th, 2011, 5:15 pm
by Jason Caldwell
Let's continue this discussion here please: