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Unauthorized Sharing of User Accounts

PostPosted: July 26th, 2011, 7:53 pm
by tdub11
i've read a ton of entries on the board and would like to bump this issue to everyone's attention as it definitely affects all subscription based websites.

specifically, we know we can limit the number of unique IPs that are used to access an account. this is great! we can prevent 30 different users from accessing an account they did not pay for. however, from my testing it appears by default a single user account can be used simultaneously by different people, whether they are behind the same IP address or using different IP addresses.

so, if i limit the number of unique IPs to 4/month, then at least a few people using different IPs or (in theory and per my testing) an unlimited number of people behind the same IP (say a company behind a firewall) can all use the same account. this means the potential loss of a lot of revenue. :cry:

so the unique IP mechanism is only a partial tool. how do we stop simultaneous/concurrent logins using the same username/password?


1. is this the expected behavior of s2member (i.e., simultaneous logins are permitted using the same credentials)?
2. if "yes" to question #1, what options are available to prevent multiple people from accessing the same account at the same time (even if it's just two people)?
3. if "no" to question #1, then what scripts/functions/etc. should i look at to find the problem?

there are at least two other threads on this topic:


s2member is unquestionably the best subscription plugin on the market, and i've already begun to recommend it. however, this apparent lack of functionality could seriously undermine my ability to keep account sharing to a minimum.

thanks in advance for any help.

Re: Unauthorized Sharing of User Accounts

PostPosted: July 27th, 2011, 2:10 am
by Cristián Lávaque
Thanks for the kudos! :)

Yeah, I can understand your concern about this. s2Member doesn't have a setting to prevent simultaneous logins to an account, but maybe one of these plugins does the trick for you until s2Member adds it: ... 1-session/

Re: Unauthorized Sharing of User Accounts

PostPosted: August 30th, 2011, 10:01 pm
by jameztcc

will S2 implement login restriction in future release, that would be good to have as I also have a request for it now.

By the way, anyone tried the 2 plugins? Which one is better suited/compatible with S2?

James Tan

Cristián Lávaque wrote:Thanks for the kudos! :)

Yeah, I can understand your concern about this. s2Member doesn't have a setting to prevent simultaneous logins to an account, but maybe one of these plugins does the trick for you until s2Member adds it: ... 1-session/

Re: Unauthorized Sharing of User Accounts

PostPosted: August 31st, 2011, 11:10 pm
by Cristián Lávaque
I'm leaving a note for Jason about the request. Thanks! :)

Re: Unauthorized Sharing of User Accounts

PostPosted: September 5th, 2011, 10:37 am
by tdub11
i've used 'login only 1 session' and so far it works well. ... 1-session/

Re: Unauthorized Sharing of User Accounts

PostPosted: September 6th, 2011, 10:16 pm
by Cristián Lávaque
Thanks for confirming it. :)