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comment form on pages?

PostPosted: July 29th, 2011, 8:06 pm
by Lesley
I installed s2member a few weeks ago and am just getting ready to create the look of my membership option page and login page...but they were created a few weeks ago when I followed a tutorial. I am finding that there is a standard "leave a reply" comment box on both pages and a few other regular WP pages I created previously. I can't seem to remove the comment forms, even by unchecking the comments box in the screen options for each page. Have done lots of reading in WP forums and all that seems to be there are old posts about altering php...which I do not want to do.

I just created a new page and it doesn't have comments, so I am wondering if pages created earlier (perhaps before a WP update?) have this problem? If that is so, I wonder if I can delete the original mem. opt. and login pages and start fresh?

Never really understanding the back-end of WP things, I am not sure if this will mess things up for s2member or not.

With thanks,


Re: comment form on pages?

PostPosted: July 29th, 2011, 10:59 pm
by Cristián Lávaque
Yeah, they seem to have changed the interface for that. I had not had the need to edit that setting lately and your question caught me by surprise.

After a couple of tests and a little testing, I found where the setting is: quick edit. WP Admin -> Pages -> -> Quick Edit -> Allow Comments

I hope that helps.

Re: comment form on pages?

PostPosted: July 29th, 2011, 11:14 pm
by Lesley
I so appreciate your sleuthing!

Honestly, I know WP is beloved of many, but it reminds me of Churchill's opinion of Russia..." a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma".

Thanks so much for your help, which turned out not to s2member after all.

Re: comment form on pages?

PostPosted: July 30th, 2011, 12:06 am
by Cristián Lávaque

Re: comment form on pages?

PostPosted: July 30th, 2011, 12:19 am
by Lesley
P.S. Just noticed that now my m.o. page says "comments closed"...that is not exactly what I was hoping for. : )

I know its not s2member, but if you know what to do about it, I would appreciate advice.

Also, I have looked all around here and was hoping to find a "show off your site" sort of thread. I thought the MOP would be really simple to design, but this little hitch is undermining my confidence a bit and I would love to see (being a visual learner) other people's MOPs. Do you know if there has been such a topic in the past?

Re: comment form on pages?

PostPosted: July 30th, 2011, 1:43 am
by Cristián Lávaque
No, there hasn't been a "show off" thread yet.

The "comments closed" line seems to be a theme thing. I'm using TwentyTen in my test and it doesn't have that where I turned comments off.