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Completely hidden profile/registration fields

PostPosted: August 8th, 2011, 6:33 pm
by craigjb12
Any ideas for adding fields that are hidden both during and after registration to non admins?


Re: Completely hidden profile/registration fields

PostPosted: August 8th, 2011, 8:25 pm
by Bruce C
I think that might not be something you need for the registration of s2Member, and instead in the files for the WordPress User's tab.

It looks as though something could be done through WordPress's wp-admin/user-edit.php file.

I'm not experienced in it, but maybe that could be a lead for you.

P/S for setting if the value is express, you could probably use the current_user_can function like this?

Code: Select all
if (current_user_can('administrator'))
   //display the option?

However, I believe none of this is related to s2Member, as it really wouldn't do anything even if it were hidden in the registration form, as a member who's already an Admin wouldn't be registering... right?

Re: Completely hidden profile/registration fields

PostPosted: August 9th, 2011, 9:18 am
by craigjb12
Right, admins of course wouldnt be registering, but these are fields that only they can view and modify for other users.

This would function much like admin notes, but instead be configurable in S2member's custom fields and stored in the same database value for ease of import/export.

Re: Completely hidden profile/registration fields

PostPosted: August 9th, 2011, 9:35 am
by craigjb12
Another option in Editing Registration Field > Allow profile edits like the following would work:

No (invisible during registration and visible to only admins after registration)

Re: Completely hidden profile/registration fields

PostPosted: August 9th, 2011, 1:15 pm
by Cristián Lávaque
Thanks Craig. This is something that is in the to-do, but no date for it yet.

Re: Completely hidden profile/registration fields

PostPosted: August 9th, 2011, 1:37 pm
by craigjb12
Thanks for the response,

I'd be grateful for any ideas to work around this in the meantime.

I can add a class of hidden to the items in the profile form, but because the labels are not classed, they still show.

A possible solution might be to use javascript to generate some classes to apply to labels, but it feels like an option of last resort.

Thanks again