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How To Create Paypal Button For Specific Tag

PostPosted: January 6th, 2011, 1:46 pm
by ramfir

Just installed s2members a couple of days ago and I'm loving it.

Just got this problem, How To Create Paypal Button For Specific Tag?
I have about 30 post that I want to sell in a package and it's all under the same Tag.

So far the only way I see to do it is go to Specific post/pages and list out all the IDs (which is quite a lot,
about 30post), then go to paypal button and generate Code For Specific Post/Page by selecting all the
specific post, which I see is quite tedious (for me).

Is there a way to create a button by selecting only the Tag?
Is the a code that I can just insert in paypal button code?

while I writing this post, I might as well suggest s2member programmers
to add a function to create a paypal button by selecting specific Tags.

Thanks in advance.