This is my code. Shouldn't it hide the content from the level not required?
- Code: Select all
<?php } elseif ($_GET['s2member_seeking'] === '0') { ?>
By registering now...
<?php } elseif ($_GET['s2member_seeking'] === '1') { ?>
By signing up for Premium Access Pass...
<?php } ?>
I've also tried...
- Code: Select all
<?php } elseif ($_GET['s2member_level_required'] === '0') { ?>
- Code: Select all
<?php } elseif ($_GET['s2member_level_required'] === '1') { ?>
I would like the MOP page to only show the option needed for access to the protected post that was clicked. Making visible ONLY the message for the required level content, not both. To me, it's confusing if both membership options show up when the visitor is just trying to get to one article.