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Member data deleted after creating a blog using WordPress MU

PostPosted: August 28th, 2011, 2:56 pm
by gungho
Hi there,

I simply love s2Member, but I am having some problems.

I am using WordPress Multi-site, and have s2member set so each member can create 1 blog.

I have it set so when they become a member to level 1 they will get access to content on the main site, and will be able to create 1 blog site. What appears to be happening as soon as they create the blog, it changes their user role, and deletes all s2 payment data. Meaning it will no longer manage them with s2member.

What should happen is that they stay at the s2 Level 1 and have a blog on a subdomain, but it appears this isn't the case.

Also I have setup the aweber parser as instructed, with Paypal Order parser checked, and no emails are being added.

I have combed through the settings a couple times, and not sure what I am doing wrong.

Please help. Here is the site

Thanks in advance for the help.

Re: Member data deleted after creating a blog using WordPres

PostPosted: August 29th, 2011, 9:11 am
by gungho
Please help, I have no idea what's causing these problems.

Re: Member data deleted after creating a blog using WordPres

PostPosted: August 30th, 2011, 3:04 pm
by Jason Caldwell
Thanks for your inquiry.

I was just looking over our list of Network Blog Farms and I don't find your domain: Have you purchased our Network Support Package?, as that's required to receive support for Blog Farm scenarios. Please see:

Regarding your question, it sounds like the Customer account is being viewed inside their own Blog on the Network. Each Customer gets a Blog, and on their own Blog, they are not your Customer, they are their own Administrator. In other words, their payment details and Membership is with your Main Site only, which is where they will create their own Blog and be granted access, by you, to anything else you offer.

This can be quite complex/confusing when you first begin, because a Customer's Profile in the Dashboard will change from Blog to Blog, and ordinarily, payment details are only filled for the Main Site. Along with our Network Support Package, comes a lengthy PDF file that helps to clarify how some of this works. Please see:

Re: Member data deleted after creating a blog using WordPres

PostPosted: August 30th, 2011, 3:38 pm
by gungho
The problem is I don't want to offer s2member for the subblogs which is what it looks like the $600 package is for, I just want s2member to manage members on the main site.

I am looking to just use the free functionality so they can create their own free blog site, not for them to create their own membership sites using s2member on the subdomains.

Also not all the new members paypal data is being added to the member data, and no EOT date is set for any. It's really strange because some members have the subscription id, IP, and custom site variable in their user info, other don't (most don't). Also the adding the email to aweber, doesn't work even with the parser setup. I even checked the box under users to manually resend, still nothing. Any ideas?

I plan to upgrade to the premium site license, but the the multisite license seems like its meant for webmaster wanting to offer subblogs with s2member capability. I am not actually using s2member to manage the subblogs at all.

My main question is why is it that once they create the new subblog, they are removed from the main blog. Which is where they get the training etc?

So three problems.
1) Paypal data not passed all the time (worried it's not going to manage the subscriptions and cancels properly)
2) Aweber integration not working.
3) Members access to the main site after creating their free blog.

I really do love s2member, I have moved from WishlistMember because I see the power in what you offer. I just need to get this setup properly, and you'll have one of the strongest product evangelist you could have.

I plan to move over to s2Member Premium as well. So you have fan, just help a brother out ;)