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preventing unavailable groups from showing on groups page

PostPosted: January 7th, 2011, 11:30 pm
by kipprsnak

I'm hoping someone might have experience with this. I'm attempting to keep the groups my users don't have access to off of the groups page, even if the group is public or private. I'm trying to keep my students from trying to add classes they aren't in, keep their interface experience clean and at the same time not have to wait for me to invite them to join a group once they do sign up (so hidden doesn't help).

Thanks in advance for any insight anyone has out there.

Re: preventing unavailable groups from showing on groups pag

PostPosted: February 3rd, 2011, 9:34 am
by nhsatomom
+1 -- I'm interested in this as well. Anybody know how to do this?