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Signup Confirmation Standard and Pro-Form

PostPosted: August 31st, 2011, 9:50 pm
by cassel
As i was digging for information on the Signup confirmation emails, i noticed that the Default information are different from the Standard to the Pro-Form, the latter having more detailed information, like the recurring payments, the duration, etc. If i use the regular Paypal buttons and NOT the Pro-form, which one would be sent by default? Would all those details be sent from the Standard Signup Confirmation or would it be sent only if i used the Pro-form?

Re: Signup Confirmation Standard and Pro-Form

PostPosted: September 1st, 2011, 1:36 pm
by Cristián Lávaque
The standard confirmation email will be sent when selling with the button, the pro-form's email when with the pro-form. :)

Re: Signup Confirmation Standard and Pro-Form

PostPosted: September 1st, 2011, 2:53 pm
by cassel
Ah.. simple enough! Thanks for the clarification.

Re: Signup Confirmation Standard and Pro-Form

PostPosted: September 1st, 2011, 10:58 pm
by Cristián Lávaque