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Trial to upgrade

s2Member Plugin. A Membership plugin for WordPress®.

Trial to upgrade

Postby ChuckNorris » August 31st, 2011, 11:28 pm

I searched the forums and couldn't find the answer.

I have a $2.95 two day trial with CCBill. Members are limited to 5 downloads. After the 2 days, they are billed $24.95 (unless they've canceled)


1) How do I make it so after they are billed the $24.95 after the trial, they are upgraded so they are no longer limited to 5 downloads?

2) How do I make it so if they join and decide to upgrade before the 2 day rebill, they don't get double billed when their 2 day trial is up (upgrade cancels the trial billing).

Thank you!
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Re: Trial to upgrade

Postby Jason Caldwell » September 1st, 2011, 1:53 pm

Thanks for your inquiry. Before I answer this, can we please see the s2Member Shortcode that you're currently using for the trial at ccBill?
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Re: Trial to upgrade

Postby ChuckNorris » September 2nd, 2011, 9:38 am

Thank you for the response!

Here's my shortcode:
[s2Member-Pro-ccBill-Button level="2" ccaps="" desc="Trial Membership" cc="USD" custom="" ta="2.95" tp="2" tt="D" ra="29.99" rp="1" rt="M" rr="1" image="" output="anchor" /]
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Re: Trial to upgrade

Postby Jason Caldwell » September 6th, 2011, 1:16 pm

ChuckNorris wrote:1) How do I make it so after they are billed the $24.95 after the trial, they are upgraded so they are no longer limited to 5 downloads?
Thanks. Well, the Button Code that you're using now, is placing the Member at Level #2 from the start, and billing kicks in automatically after two days, at the higher rate. Only the billing changes, not the Membership Level. You can configure s2Member to allow X number of downloads at Level #2, but you can't re-configure billing/permissions again after the two day trial, because the 2 day trial is also at Level #2.

In short, download permissions are set, based on Membership Level. If the Membership Level does not change, neither will the download limitations. Of course, there are ways to work around this, but you would need assistance from a developer, and a bit of custom coding to get things exactly the way you need them. Either that, or you could try using s2Member's "Advanced Download Restrictions", where downloads are associated with a Download Key, instead of a specific Membership Level. Please check your Dashboard, under: s2Member -> Download Options -> Advanced Download Restrictions.

VideoOr, what you could do ( without custom coding ), is give them a free trial at Level #0. In other words, turn Open Registration (on) for s2Member, and allow them to come in at Level #0 ( no charge, good for two days ). This is possible with s2Member Pro Forms for Free Registration ( see video tutorial ). Then, on your Login Welcome Page, insert an upgrade Button to Level #1 ( or higher ), and this way if/when they decide to pay for the upgrade, the download limitation can be changed, because their Membership Level # is changing too. This would also help you avoid the situation you mentioned in your second question.
~ Jason Caldwell / Lead Developer
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Re: Trial to upgrade

Postby ChuckNorris » September 6th, 2011, 1:56 pm

Thanks for the response. I wouldn't be willing to give a free trial - that would be out of the question. I was just hoping there'd be some auto level upgrade or something. Like from level 2 to level 3 after 2 days, and irregardless they wouldn't be able to download anything after that if they don't get rebilled. Oh well, not a huge deal.. just have to deal with trial members manually I guess....
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Re: Trial to upgrade

Postby Jason Caldwell » September 6th, 2011, 2:51 pm

Gotchya. Well, you might consider running a CRON job or something automated that comes in two days after the Customer has registered, and automatically upgrades them to Level #2.

For instance, maybe some variation of this code:

Create this directory and file:
Code: Select all
("init", "my_cron_job");
function my_cron_job ()
        if (!empty($_GET[__FUNCTION__]))
                foreach (get_users ("role=s2member_level1") as $user)
                        $user_id = $user->ID;
                        $user = new WP_User ($user_id);
= s2member_paid_registration_time ("level1", $user_id);
                        if ($paid_at_level_1 && $paid_at_level_1 < strtotime ("-2 days"))
                            $user->set_role ("s2member_level2");
* Now create a CRON job on your server that runs this URL once a day:
~ Jason Caldwell / Lead Developer
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Re: Trial to upgrade

Postby ChuckNorris » September 6th, 2011, 2:57 pm

Awesome! I will give that a try - thanks so much!

Also, not sure what your mods were going to be for the ccbill upgrade we were talking about before (non-dynamic forms, etc) but is S2member pro open source? If so I was thinking about just hiring out some other people to do the mods... what do you think?
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Re: Trial to upgrade

Postby Jason Caldwell » September 6th, 2011, 3:36 pm

I don't see a problem with that.

Please see this page ( Prices/Licensing ):

WordPress® / GNU GPLv2 Licensing

All of our Products are licensed under the terms of the GNU GPLv2 License, as is WordPress® itself. All of our Products are licensed for personal and/or commercial use. You are free to modify and adapt them to fit your purposes, or for the purposes of your clients.

However, please take note ( regarding the s2Member Pro Module )
The add-on module ( s2Member Pro ) is comprised of two parts:

(1) Its PHP code is licensed under the GPL license, as is WordPress® itself.

(2) All other parts of the add-on module ( s2Member Pro ); including, but not limited to: the CSS code, some JavaScript code, images, design; and the associated support services that we provide; are licensed according to the license you purchase ( i.e. single-site, or unlimited-site ); and/or as attributed in the /licensing/ directory of the distribution, which provides additional credits and acknowledgments.

Unless you have our prior written consent, you must NOT directly or indirectly license, sub-license, sell, resell, or provide for free; part (2) of the s2Member Pro Module; or make an offer to do any of these things. All of these things are strictly prohibited with part (2) of the s2Member Pro Module.
Ownership / Intellectual Property Rights

You may not claim intellectual or exclusive ownership over any of our Products, modified or unmodified. All Products are property of s2Member/ ( WebSharks, Inc. ). Our Products are provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. In no event shall s2Member/ ( WebSharks, Inc. ) be liable for any damages, including, but not limited to, direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages, or other losses arising out of the use of, or inability to use our Products.
~ Jason Caldwell / Lead Developer
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