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Register From A Different URL

September 1st, 2011, 9:58 am
by behladesign
I'm wondering if it's possible to have a user be on one url: and then have them register for the members site which is on a subdomain:
http://members.gapzip.comI realized that I'd have to have S2 installed on both sites. I'm wondering if this is difficult or requires alot of custom code. I imagine that they need to start on the site for registration purposes.
Re: Register From A Different URL

September 1st, 2011, 10:04 pm
by Cristián Lávaque
If you won't restrict access to content at, then it's fine, because everything s2Member does would be needed in a single place: The problem would be if you want them to register in one and have the accessed controlled in the other one.
Re: Register From A Different URL

September 2nd, 2011, 12:01 pm
by behladesign
We only have s2 member installed in and that is the member site with restrictions. Should i install s2 to and then my signup buttons, use the code that I have for for the signup? This is where i have the member signup now.
Re: Register From A Different URL

September 2nd, 2011, 8:36 pm
by Cristián Lávaque
Ah, got it. No, s2Member in is enough.
It's fine to sell
members access to someone from if you use the button you created with s2Member in the
members subdomain. Use the shortcode in
members and then the HTML it outputs in the page, copy it to use in the main site.
Or you can create one over at PayPal following these instructions
viewtopic.php?f=36&t=309#p1333I hope this helps.

Re: Register From A Different URL

September 3rd, 2011, 12:56 pm
by behladesign
Thanks..i imagine I need to have S2 working on both sites, to get that to work?
Re: Register From A Different URL

September 3rd, 2011, 2:16 pm
by Cristián Lávaque
If you want users to register an account at and have it work over at, then you need to make those two WordPress installations share the users and usermeta tables in the database. I'm afraid I don't know how to help you with that, you should google it.
Re: Register From A Different URL

January 10th, 2012, 12:43 pm
by corbett
Hi Cristian,
I'm trying to do the same thing that behladesign described here, only I'm using Clickbank instead of PayPal.
The problem is, when I copy the HTML from the button created by the S2 shortcode, I get an error message when ClickBank redirects me to the thank you page:
ERROR: Unable to modify Subscription.
Please contact Support for assistance.
S2Member is installed in a subfolder of my main site at /members. I have the sales page for the site located in the root, without S2Member installed.
When I loaded the shortcode button, I first made sure I was logged out of WordPress. I copied the HTML exactly to the sales page.
I've tried using the shortcode directly from within the /members installation and it works fine, as expected.
Any ideas about how to make the registration work from my root page?
Re: Register From A Different URL

January 10th, 2012, 12:50 pm
by corbett
If it helps, here is the HTML I copied from the shortcode generated button: ... 8a42f662b6
Re: Register From A Different URL

January 11th, 2012, 2:18 pm
by Raam Dev
Hi Corbett,
The modification button code generated by s2Member includes variables specific to the currently logged in user (that's how s2Member knows what account to modify after the user completes the checkout). You cannot use modification buttons (or the resulting code they generate) for members who are not currently logged in:
*Important Note* Modification Buttons should be displayed to existing Users/Members, and they should be logged-in, BEFORE clicking this Button. Otherwise, post-processing of their transaction will fail to recognize the Customer's existing account within WordPress®. Please display this Button only to Users/Members that are already logged into their account ( perhaps in your Login Welcome Page for s2Member ), or in another location where you can be absolutely sure that a User/Member is logged in. s2Member's Simple Conditionals could also be used to ensure a User/Member is logged in, by wrapping your Shortcode within a Conditional test. For further details, please see: s2Member -> API Scripting -> Simple Conditionals.
Is that what you're trying to do, or did I miss something?
Re: Register From A Different URL

January 11th, 2012, 2:21 pm
by corbett
Hey Raam, good to see you here! I didn't realize you worked for Primo Themes.
Anyway, I got everything sorted out. Here's my full account on another thread:
Re: Register From A Different URL

January 11th, 2012, 2:36 pm
by Raam Dev
Ah, glad to see you solved it.

It was a nice surprise seeing your face here too!
Yup, I've been with Primo Themes for a few months now.