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S2Member with PayPal and WSO-Warrior Forum

PostPosted: September 1st, 2011, 12:06 pm
by Klicks

I have the S2Member Pro plugin in with WordPress set up OK... The order goes through to PayPal Ok.
But the problem is how I integrate with WSOPro - Warrior Forum. What Devively URL do I use when it goes through their system for download. Anyone has any experience with this?

Here is the info from WSOPro people...

"The WSO Pro system has 2 features that allow you to integrate third party scripts.

1) IPN Forwarding URL

WSO Pro will forward the EXACT IPN data received from Paypal to your script when you use this option. Just enter the URL of a script you have on your server, and the data will be sent (via POST) to it after a sale is complete. You can do whatever you need to do with this data to get your script to recognize and handle the sale.

In addition, you will receive any future IPN messages sent from Paypal in regards to this transaction. If this is a subscription, that will be most useful to you. Also, it will notify you of a refund or reversal.

2) Key Generation URL

This feature is similar to the "IPN Forwarding URL", in that you will receive the IPN data from Paypal. It differs in 2 very important ways, though:

First, you will be able to "return" some text back to WSO Pro, and that text will be included on the WSO Pro thank you page for the buyer to see. This comes in very handy if you need to send a license key, login info, etc... Just keep the output to 512 characters or less.

(The text is returned by simply outputting it in your script.)

Second, only the initial IPN message from Paypal will be sent to your script, and not all IPN messages. For this reason be recommending using both this option AND the "IPN Forwarding URL" if you are offering a recurring subscription and need to know if it gets cancelled, etc.

Thank you.

Re: S2Member with PayPal and WSO-Warrior Forum

PostPosted: September 1st, 2011, 10:57 pm
by Cristián Lávaque
Hi Ted.

Got it, so it works with PayPal mostly. Then you could use the URLs s2Member gives you for the IPN and PDT integrations. WP Admin -> s2Member -> PayPal Options

Do you have a screenshot of the WSO Pro options page for PayPal?

Now, what button do you use with WSO Pro? Just a regular PayPal button or do they generate it for you with a bbcode? You need to add some values to the button for PayPal to work with s2Member for those sales. viewtopic.php?f=36&t=309#p1333

I hope that helps. :)

Re: S2Member with PayPal and WSO-Warrior Forum

PostPosted: September 9th, 2011, 2:14 am
by marketbizpro
The screenshot of the WSO Pro options page is here:

They generate their own button code. I was wondering exactly what I would put into those two fields shown in the screenshot I linked to above.

This is what I think it should be since the member created would be a level one with a custom capability of xep_single_own:

Code: Select all

Is this formatted correctly or am I missing something?

Re: S2Member with PayPal and WSO-Warrior Forum

PostPosted: September 9th, 2011, 8:09 pm
by Jason Caldwell
Thanks for bringing this thread to my attention.

What you have here is correct, almost. The custom and item_number variables need to be sent in the array of POST variables; they cannot be passed through the query string like this, for security reasons.
Code: Select all

Code: Select all
( need to be sent as POST variables )

Re: S2Member with PayPal and WSO-Warrior Forum

PostPosted: September 9th, 2011, 9:04 pm
by marketbizpro
Please explain how I post the custom and item_number variables in the array of POST variables. Keep in mind that this is a 3rd party solution (WSO Pro) which creates it's own buttons and forwards Paypal IPN request to the URL you gave me above. Would you have any solution on how I can get the custom and item_number variables to get passed to s2Member after someone make a purchase using the two options in the following: (this is what we fill out to submit for WSO Pro).

Re: S2Member with PayPal and WSO-Warrior Forum

PostPosted: September 12th, 2011, 5:38 pm
by Jason Caldwell
Thanks for the follow-up.

Sorry, given the fact that it's only an IPN forwarding system, I don't see a way to do this with the screenshot you provided. I would contact the software developer and see if they can assist you. If all else fails, you might need to create a script that receives the forwarded IPN from that software, and then forwards it again to s2Member, after having modified the POST variables that s2Member needs to receive.

We have a central IPN sample file that comes with s2Member Pro, which may help you a bit. That is, it will still require some mild custom coding, but it should get you in the right direction. You'll find that file inside the / file that is available in your account.

I'm uploading a copy for your convenience.

Re: S2Member with PayPal and WSO-Warrior Forum

PostPosted: September 18th, 2011, 8:09 pm
by webboy
Hi are working on a very simple basic solution's (PAID) . It will create a account in smember pro after the person pays and assign the correct level of access for a one time payment
PM me if you are interested

Re: S2Member with PayPal and WSO-Warrior Forum

PostPosted: October 2nd, 2011, 11:35 am
by leticia2602

If I want to integrate S2Member with PayPal and WSO I need to deploy an intermediary script for Auto-Return URL beside the intermediary script for IPN?

I want users to be returned to the page where they can register specifying username and password.

Thanks for all the information.