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Paypal requiring me to "accept" every user payment !??!

PostPosted: September 3rd, 2011, 8:44 am
by candy

Noticed a very bad behaviour in paypal --- paypal is ASKING me to ACCEPT or DENY any member payment !?!?

What should I change and where, it can't stay like this! Have no clue where the misbehaviour is coming from either, please help!

Thank a bunch!

Re: Paypal requiring me to "accept" every user payment !??!

PostPosted: September 3rd, 2011, 9:59 am
by adamsargant
Just a thought? Do you have a business account with paypal? I seem to remember it behaves like this if you send money to a personal account...

Re: Paypal requiring me to "accept" every user payment !??!

PostPosted: September 4th, 2011, 7:12 am
by candy
business !

it's strange, after I once manually approved one transaction, the next ones (recuring) from same customer worked without problems.
But it might be it's just because I have already approved that "customer" once ...

So if I have to manually aprove all payments, it's stupid ... who on Earth has the time and patience to do that ?!?

I somehow tend to make paypal responsible for this (I do not like paypal at all, have no better solution 4 now unfortunatelly) Any solution for this?

Re: Paypal requiring me to "accept" every user payment !??!

PostPosted: September 4th, 2011, 11:39 am
by adamsargant
I'm positive it's a setting somewhere... just haven't found it yet... the reason I think this is that I have recently had a payment returned to me from an associates account after 30 days because they didn't approve or deny it, and the email said so-and-so's "Payment Receiving Preferences are set to manually accept or refuse this type of payment."