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Advanced downloads after customer purchase

s2Member Plugin. A Membership plugin for WordPress®.

Advanced downloads after customer purchase

Postby dmortimer » September 6th, 2011, 12:04 am

I have created pages that have Advanced Download Restrictions and the required php snippets. All the links work correctly now. But I just thought of this: How will I get a buyer to be redirected to the download page once they have paid for the download, as I do not have a page where they can go to see what they've paid for. All of my downloads are sold without someone having to be a member.

I can't have the paypal buttons on the same page as the download links because all of my Buy Now buttons are on the Membership Options page. So what's to redirect the buyer to the download page? Do I need to add something to the paypal button coding so it will do the redirect to the download page once Paypal sees the customer has paid successfully for the download?

Can anyone help me out here?

I am sure it's something very simple that I am overlooking.

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Re: Advanced downloads after customer purchase

Postby Cristián Lávaque » September 6th, 2011, 5:39 pm

You can protect the downloads page with a Specific Page access restriction, which won't require the user to have an account or be logged in.
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