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Yearly fee but no automatic recurring fees

PostPosted: September 6th, 2011, 10:57 pm
by jchura
In looking at the options in the wordpress plugin I cannot figure out a setting which would provide the following:

1- Charge a yearly fee of $25 (365 days) immediately
2- Cannot be recurring but would want to notify members there membership is expiring after the period.

This seems so simple yet I have only seen options for recurring fees?

Please help!

Re: Yearly fee but no automatic recurring fees

PostPosted: September 6th, 2011, 11:06 pm
by man-O-media
jchura wrote:In looking at the options in the wordpress plugin I cannot figure out a setting which would provide the following:

1- Charge a yearly fee of $25 (365 days) immediately
2- Cannot be recurring but would want to notify members there membership is expiring after the period.

This seems so simple yet I have only seen options for recurring fees?

Please help!

Well, the reminder part is more of a challenge but the one year part is no problem...
You can simply create a PayPal button with a Buy Now 1 year setting. See the drop down in the s2 PayPal button generator for the s2 level you want to sell (just under the text "Then, I want to charge:")and Bob's your uncle...
You need to go to the bottom of the list...