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Registration...what did I miss?

s2Member Plugin. A Membership plugin for WordPress®.

Registration...what did I miss?

Postby scisport » September 7th, 2011, 11:15 pm

New user of the platform. Awesome work on the tutorials, but I must have missed something. The Membership Registration page pops up as programmed. I also have the URL for the "Login" page and it looks fine. Except...

- On the page it says "User Registration is Currently Not Allowed". Why is that there and what did I miss doing?

- I want to give out some freebies for colleagues. What would be the procedure? I want them to sign up with a unique username and password and allow complete site access.

- For all members, free and paid, when they go to our Home page after registration, do I need to add a "sign Up Box" plug in or how will they be able to access without having to go thru the membership page again? Or is this part of the system in the set up where they can only register from 1 or 2 computers and the program simply reads this information and automatically "signs them in"?

My fault, I must have missed something, but danged if I can find it again. Help is greatly appreciated for show a perfect plug in, program and tutorial support. Thanks, Ed.
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Re: Registration...what did I miss?

Postby Cristián Lávaque » September 8th, 2011, 4:26 am

Thanks for the kudos, Ed. :)

The user registration not allowed message must be because you have open registration disabled. WP Admin -> s2Member -> General Options -> Open Registration

You can edit your friends' accounts to change their role to one that'll give them the access you want. You can also create a special registration page for them that'll let them register free with the access that other would pay for. viewtopic.php?f=36&t=2819

A user will be bounced to the Membership Options Page if he tries to open content he doesn't have access for. If he then gets the access and tries that content again, he'll be able to view it, not sent to the Membership Options.

Let me know if that helps.
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Re: Registration...what did I miss?

Postby scisport » September 8th, 2011, 8:41 am

OK, made the new registration page. Here's where I get lost in the fog. Read the tutorial notes, copied the code, put it in the page and nothing. Is that the correct procedure?

I have set the Open Registration as noted. I would assume then I set Level 0 to allow all pages, which I have done. Once I have the issue with the Registration Page fixed, does that automatically then cover sign up for Level 0?

When I send special guests the link to that Special Registration page, will that allow them to (as with the paid page) include all their information and then be sent the confirmation, or are they able to then set their own username and password? I want to avoid giving them "temporary credentials" and just have them give it their own username and password.

Almost there. Thanks, Ed.
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Re: Registration...what did I miss?

Postby scisport » September 8th, 2011, 10:28 am

Oops, another minor issue here. I have a page labeled as "FREE ACCESS". This is a page that either giving out the individual link or being on the menu bar, I want people to have complete access to just to see specific pages and get an idea of what we do. I have tried leaving the PAGE LEVEL RESTRICTION box on the page both blank and at level 0. Makes no difference whether I click on the menu bar or on the link I have included in the MEMBERSHIP OPTIONS PAGE, it just keeps rotating right back to that MOP page. The free page is there, but I can't get access to it thru the site.

In looking at the page restrictions, I put that specific page ID in the Level 0 section. The Level 1 section is then marked ALL. I would guess here comes the issue.

How can I set certain pages to that completely free access? Would I have to go to the Level 1 restriction and put in every individual ID number for every page and then put specific pages into the Level 0 category? That seems like a lot of work and very literal, but perhaps that's how it works.

Again, getting closer to getting into business. Thanks, Ed.
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Re: Registration...what did I miss?

Postby scisport » September 8th, 2011, 11:30 am

OK, think I may have gotten one issue down. I have the registration page link, and correct me if I'm wrong, but handing that out to those I want to be free is how it all gets started. Once they register, they then have the opportunity in an e-mail that is auto generated to re-set their password and then have access, yes?

If that is correct, then the FREE ACCESS issue remains. I'm going to post that on another page to see if someone else might be able to assist as well. Let me know if I have that first part correct, please. Thanks!
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Re: Registration...what did I miss?

Postby Cristián Lávaque » September 9th, 2011, 1:14 am

When you say Specific Page, do you mean the Specific Post/Page access restriction? If so, mixing that with a level based restriction won't work, specific and level don't mix, level will win. WP Admin -> s2Member -> Restriction Options

When you get redirected to the Membership Options Page, what is the URL like? It must have some variables at the end that give some info about the redirection. WP Admin -> s2Member -> API / Scripting -> Membership Options Page Veriables

Could you post the URL of the page you want to give free access to? When you say free, do you mean to free registered members (level 0) or any visitor of the website even if not logged in?
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Re: Registration...what did I miss?

Postby scisport » September 9th, 2011, 7:40 am

I want people to come to the site and see an example of how we do things before their trial. One page that will have a few links that work and show them the kind of content we provide. So then "yes" to your question about being able for any visitor to the website to view that page and that page alone until registration. In my humble opinion, when people come to a site, click something and it goes right to a page that is selling them something, they bounce right out. I have a tab in the menu labeled "FREE ACCESS" to catch their attention. That would be the page where they can view and click on the examples. As it stands now, no matter what I have tried, it goes right to the Membership page. I have even tried downloading some pop up plugins to no success.
They either look awful or just don't work as promoted.

Here's the main site:
The URL to the page in question:

I have tried setting the page to Level 0 (free) or leaving that option completely blank. No go. I have tried putting the page ID # in the Level 0 box (and the ID plugin is a MUST for anyone working with the program) and that didn't work. This was under the "Page Access Restrictions" page.

Annoying, but I'm sure there's a fix. THanks again, Ed.
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Re: Registration...what did I miss?

Postby Cristián Lávaque » September 10th, 2011, 1:18 am

OK, so you wanto show the Free Access page to anyone, not just users that registered a free account? That's simple, just don't give that page any kind of access restriction and it wont bounce anyone to the Membership Options Page.

This thread may help you to protect all except that one: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=6393&p=14834#p14834

I hope that helps. :)
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