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Can I set Display Name to default to a custom reg. field?

PostPosted: September 11th, 2011, 8:38 pm
by otisfunkmeyer
I would like to have users on the site pick a specific first/last nickname for the site, a la a "Wu-Tang name" for those familiar with the late-90's! :)

I would like that custom name to be set to the Display Name... I don't see an option to do this.. Is it possible to do manually with php or automatically???

Let me know! Thanks so much!
Otis Funkmeyer

Re: Can I set Display Name to default to a custom reg. field

PostPosted: September 12th, 2011, 3:55 am
by helenwlee
You can add the fields First name and last name to the registration form and that will be the displayname instead of username.

Re: Can I set Display Name to default to a custom reg. field

PostPosted: September 16th, 2011, 3:51 am
by Cristián Lávaque
Otis, is what Helen mentioned what you are looking for? WP Admin -> s2Member -> General Options -> Custom Registration