Please forgive me if this is already on the forum, but I can't seem to find what I was looking for on this.
Ok, I'm currently running the s2member pro on my site and I only have free membership. During the registration, I have a drop-down selection of career status such as, "MD, DO, PA, or ARNP"
Now, in the Wordpress S2Member Admin section titled, "Mailchimp Listserver Integration", under the subcategory of "List ID(s) for Free Subscribers ( comma-delimited )". I have the following: (These are actual groups in mailchimp)
8a7427ef77::Medical Newsletter::MD|DO|PA|ARNP
When a person registers and chooses from the drop-down a specific category and then finalize the registration, they are automatically signed up on mailchimp under EVERY group. How can I get that custom registration field in the drop down to correlate with the actual groups in mailchimp?
Thank you.