Hi Scott. Please see my reply here regarding COOKIEPATH.viewtopic.php?f=4&t=15385#p45159Let me know if you are still having trouble with this please.I also have settings in s2 to force user to custom edit profile screen but it dafaults to wp edit profile screen when on the blog the user created dashboard but it does default to the login welcome screen when in the main blog membership dash ? is this designed this way?
Yes, this behavior is by design. Each instance of WordPress is it's own. That is, each Child Blog in your Network is associated with it's own instance of other plugins, and that includes a separate instance of s2Member as well. So the reason you're NOT seeing the same behavior one from Child Blog to another
( or from the Main Site to a Child Blog ), is that s2Member needs to be activated and configured for each Blog in the Network separately. While it is possible to activate s2Member
( or any plugin for that matter ), "Network Wide", each instance of s2Member needs to be configured, on a per-Blog basis.