Cristian, thank you for all of your help. To wrap up, I though you and future readers of this thread might like a summary of our solution.
Because this site will ultimately be maintained by a non-programmer client, here's the method I've chosen to use (also based on some insight from other threads on this forum).
1. Use s2member ccaps to grant access to posts individually and by category as we've discussed.
2. Embed
video content in those posts from a 3rd party provider. I've chosen Vimeo's PRO account, which allows for restricted playback by domain and is ultimately cheaper than Amazon S3 or similar service. So, I will embed the video inside of a ccap-protected post, and in the Vimeo admin restrict playback to the client's domain only. Since we're not allowing the video to be downloaded, this solution gives us complete security and also leverages the speed of Vimeo's servers.
More importantly, it's very simple for the client to upload any kind of video (Vimeo converts to appropriate filetype) and insert it into his post (via standard WP video insert methods), which post is automatically protected by the s2member's ccaps we assign.
3. Completely restrict access to the s2members-files folder.
4. In each protected post, make download links to any protected files using the shortcode for s2member authorization keys. It is simple for the client to hit the link button in the wordpress editor for any word or graphic in his post and insert
- Code: Select all
[s2File download="" download_key="true" /]
into the URL box.
Suggestions:A button on the post editor to insert a link to an auth-key file. For example, instead of clicking the standard wordpress link icon, I would highlight what I want to link and then click the "s2member protected file link" icon, which would pull up a list of the contents of s2member-files, allow me to select one, then insert the appropriate shortcode into the post/link data.
Related, it would be nice to have a file browser for the s2member-files directory so a client could upload new files without using ftp. (Like the WP media manager, but specifically for the s2member-files directory). An "insert protected file" icon seems ideal for a user that isn't a programmer.
Thank you again for your detailed and timely help. I had considered other plugins on the market, but your support kept me here. I will recommend s2 with full marks.