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Using MU with Level#0 on main and Level#1 on Sub

PostPosted: October 11th, 2011, 10:55 pm
by jmeyers
I looked through the Forum but was unable to find my answer. I have a Multiuser site with the main site open to all, plus Level#0 for additional info access. My sub site is a Level#1 access with all the pages listed in the Level#1 restrictions of that site only.
My Members are all signed up in the Main-site. When a Level#1 member accesses the sub site, they get the redirected page as if they were not a member. Do the paid members (Level#1) have to sign up on the sub-site as well?
I tested the sub-site login and it recognized and accepted my Level#1 login from the main site, but wouldn't go any further.
Hope this made sense.

Thanks for your help!
Jack Meyers

Re: Using MU with Level#0 on main and Level#1 on Sub

PostPosted: October 12th, 2011, 7:20 pm
by Cristián Lávaque
Ah, that'd be because although you can have s2Member in the child blogs too, each instance is independent of the rest, as are their users. So a user in your main blog, won't be a user in your child one, and your restriction in child blog won't be applied to a user in your main one.

I hope that helps clarify it. :)

Re: Using MU with Level#0 on main and Level#1 on Sub

PostPosted: October 15th, 2011, 1:17 pm
by jmeyers
That's what I figured out. I linked the premium membership signup to the appropriate blog for now. I'm assuming the "upgrade" from free to premium has the same attributes. Must be signed up as a free member on the same blog they are upgrading to.
