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Link Expired

s2Member Plugin. A Membership plugin for WordPress®.

Link Expired

Postby dspruyt » October 15th, 2011, 2:03 pm


I created a payment page with s2member and once someone purchases my product, they get brought to another page where there is an upsell.

However, there is supposed to be an email that will also be sent to ask them to register. The issue here is the the link becomes expired almost immediately.

"Your Link Expired:
Please contact Support if you need assistance."

Anyone know how I can resolve this issue?
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Re: Link Expired

Postby Eduan » October 15th, 2011, 2:09 pm

Try this couple of posts and see if they help:

Hope this helps. :)
P.S. Remember to report back. ;)
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Re: Link Expired

Postby dspruyt » October 15th, 2011, 2:10 pm

Thanks Eduan! I'll check them out
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Re: Link Expired

Postby Eduan » October 15th, 2011, 2:11 pm

Hope they help.
Now officially accepting Professional s2Member installations along with Bruce C (a.k.a. Ace).

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Re: Link Expired

Postby Eduan » October 15th, 2011, 7:14 pm

Seeing the posts I gave you I noticed something that might solve your problem:
Cristián Lávaque wrote:
r0adki111 wrote:Ok, another update. I found the email with the link to registration page. It goes to the gmail spam folder. This is definitely not good haha. I clicked the registration link (the tinyurl one) and it says the link is expired. So even if they did find it, it does not work...

You'll need to find how to prevent this. You can ask your users to add your email address to their contact lists. If you're in a shared server, it is possible another user with the same IP managed to get it seen as a spam source, you should get your own IP and read on how to get your emails delivered to the users inboxes. You can also get whitelisted by the email service providers following certain procedures, if I remember correctly.

About the link, you can try using another URL shortening service with the new setting added in the latest release. WP Admin -> s2Member -> General Options -> URL Shortening

r0adki111 wrote:Looking for a way to redirect customer to a specific page once done paying with paypal.

If you have s2Member Pro, you can use the success attribute. WP Admin -> s2Member -> PayPal Buttons -> Shortcode Attributes -> success

I hope this helps. :)

I hope this helps. :)
P.S. Remember to report back. ;)
Now officially accepting Professional s2Member installations along with Bruce C (a.k.a. Ace).

If you're interested in a Professional s2Member Installation, or a Custom Coding Job, you can send your request here.
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