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security badge wont verify

PostPosted: October 18th, 2011, 11:35 am
by mycodetree
I have brute force and unique ip enabled, I have a security encryption key and I am not in a localhost environment. My badge still wont verify.

Re: security badge wont verify

PostPosted: October 18th, 2011, 12:20 pm
by Eduan
Are you using this code?:
Code: Select all
    <div class="ws-plugin--s2member-s-badge">
    <a href="" onclick="';site_url=%%site_url%%%%no_cache%%%%display_on_failure%%', '_popup', 'width=752,height=702,left='+((screen.width/2)-(752/2))+',screenX='+((screen.width/2)-(752/2))+',top='+((screen.height/2)-(702/2))+',screenY='+((screen.height/2)-(702/2))+',location=0,menubar=0,toolbar=0,scrollbars=0,resizable=1'); return false;" title="s2Member&reg; ( security for WordPress&reg; )"><img src="//;site_url=%%site_url%%%%no_cache%%%%display_on_failure%%" style="border:0;" alt="s2Member&reg; ( security for WordPress&reg; )" title="s2Member&reg; ( security for WordPress&reg; )" /></a>

Re: security badge wont verify

PostPosted: October 18th, 2011, 12:37 pm
by Eduan
Oh and this post may be of interest:

Hope this helps. :)

Re: security badge wont verify

PostPosted: October 18th, 2011, 3:03 pm
by mycodetree
I am using the shortcode it provides (so presumably, it generates the correct long code). The thread that was mentioned didn't not contain anything I haven't already tried.

I have the wp-config keys generated, unique IP restrictions is set to 5 attempts (same as brute force) and I have a unique security key.

Any more ideas?

Re: security badge wont verify

PostPosted: October 18th, 2011, 3:27 pm
by mycodetree

solved the issue ... my security key onloy has 59 characters in it, not the full 60! I know it says NEVER TO DO IT, but what is the impact on usrs and data if I change the key?

Re: security badge wont verify

PostPosted: October 18th, 2011, 4:32 pm
by Eduan
Apparently you will lose everything s2Member has saved, as I understand that key encrypts everything in your site in order to protect it...

Here's a post that may be of interest: viewtopic.php?f=36&t=651&p=41731&hilit=security+encryption+key#p41731

Re: security badge wont verify

PostPosted: October 21st, 2011, 11:38 am
by Eduan

Re: security badge wont verify

PostPosted: October 21st, 2011, 6:42 pm
by Jason Caldwell
Please see this article which covers all of the requirements in detail: