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Membership approval before access is given

s2Member Plugin. A Membership plugin for WordPress®.

Membership approval before access is given

Postby zoeepix » October 26th, 2011, 3:37 pm

Hi, I'm considering using the s2member plugin for a potential clients website - I just wondered if its possible for a membership application to require approval by an admin before full access is granted.

Also if its possible to not require payment for multiple membership levels in case the client prefers to take payment independently of the website.


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Re: Membership approval before access is given

Postby Bruce C » October 26th, 2011, 6:49 pm

Hi Zoe,

I just wondered if its possible for a membership application to require approval by an admin before full access is granted.

This could be done, though maybe not as smoothly as your like. It would take some custom-coding to get this integrated flawlessly. However, if you just want to make sure it's not a 'bot' signing up to your website, you can always use generated passwords.

Also if its possible to not require payment for multiple membership levels in case the client prefers to take payment independently of the website.

This is possible through Access Links (Dashboard -> s2Member -> PayPal® Buttons -> PayPal® Member Registration Access Links). However, if you want payment to be recurring, or have auto-EOT system, that would have to be done manually, since you would not be able to input a valid Paid Subscr. ID.

Hope that helps!
~Bruce ( a.k.a. Ace )

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Re: Membership approval before access is given

Postby zoeepix » October 27th, 2011, 2:34 am

Hi there, thanks for the quick response. Would you guys be willing to add the approval functionality as a feature?


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Re: Membership approval before access is given

Postby Cristián Lávaque » October 27th, 2011, 10:21 pm

I think there are plugins that let you do the account approval thing. You can try this one or search for others:

I hope that helps. :)
Cristián Lávaque
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